Gorgbnia fpiralis. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1290.
There are feveral fizes of this extraordinary animal;
one of them is of the thicknefs of a writing pen, and
about two feet long ; this has grown naturally into a
knot, as if it was tied, and is curled and twilled very remarkably;
fee fig. 1. tab. 19. The flelhy part that Covers
the fpiny furface of the bone is full of little gelatinous
wart-like figures, as at fig. 2.
When we have foaked thefe warts for fome time in
warm water, they appear to us not unlike fome polypes
with fix claws furrounding a cup in the center, which
probably is their mouth : thefe figures are differently
magnified at fig. 3. 4. 5. This fpecimen fpreads itfelf
with a broad bale on a coral rock. The bone, or hard
part, when broke obliquely, horizontally Ihews that the:
internal as well as external layers are full of little fpines;
fee fig. 6. It is of a hard horny black fhining fubllan.ee.,
brittle almoll as glafs.
I have another fpecimen not thicker at the bafe than
the quill of a hen’s feather; this is twilled fpirally, but
loofely and tapering to a point § it is feven feet long, very
black, full of fpines, and covered with a hardened thin
gelatinous fubflance, and was. found adhering by a broad
bafe to a rock.
Both of thefe were lately brought from the Eaft Indies,;,
they are found in plenty about the fpice illands.
. 2. Antipathes Ulex. Furz-liie Antipathes.
Antipathes ramojiffiina., This Antipathes isvery much
ratjiisJptarfiipatentibiis hi- branched,, with loofe, fpread,
fpidijfimis attenuates. very rough, and pointed
T ab. 19, F i g . 7. 8.
This Antipathes is particularly full of fmall Ihort
fpines:: the branches Hand out loofe and irregular, and
are remarkably black.
On this fpecimen,, part of which is ffiewn at fig. 7. 8.
there are many of thofe irregular hollow figures, fup-
pofed to be ovaries,, feveral of which lie along the
branches, and' then, are turned up- like horns inverted ;
others turn fideways, others downwards, all of them vary
in their lhape and direction, and. are placed, irregularly
here and there on the. branches ; they, are of a brownifh
yellow color,, and appear to be a, part of the fpiny furface
of the Antipathes. The fame kind of covering is found
on the little Barnacles and. other little animals that infeft
This,was brought from Batavia, in the Eaft Indies,, by
W. Webber, Efq. E. R..S.
3, Antipathes fubpinnata. Feathered Antipathes. Tabu#.
Fig. 9,
Antipathes ramofa pin~ This Antipathes is branched >°.
nata hijpida, pinnulis fe - and pinnatedthe little pinnaa
taceis alternis,. pinnulis: are full of' final! fpines,. and
aliis (fed- raris). tranverff difpofed alternately on the
exeuntibusx. branches :: and at right angles,..
oppofite to thefe,, are.
a fewj other, little pinnas.
T ab. 19. F ig . 9. 1 o.
This, fpecimen was brought from Gibraltar, and is-
fuppofed to be taken in the fea. thereabouts. The fpines
are. iong and fmall, and of an amber color when magnified.:
the.furface of the Antipathes appears to bean afh-