perly belongs to this genus, as it produces its offjprmg
f r o m an-adhering-tubulous bafe, and the con ru _
the inner parts upon diffedion feem to differ M B
reft. At prefent I fhall rank it as a fpecies:, till future
difcoveries inform us better»
i . Adtinia Cereus» Sea Torchth file-
Adfinia tentaculis denu- This animal flower ha*
datis numerofljftmis, cor- many claws, which it cannot
pore longitudinaliter fu l- contract | the body of it is.
*cat0 & ftriated or furrowed length*
Hydra tentaculis denudatis numeroflflmis, carfare longitudinaliter
falcate. Gasrtner Phil. Tranf. Vol. 52.
pa This animal was^ound on the coaft of Cornwall by my
.worthy friend Jofeph Gartner, M. D. F. R.S. and is
deferibedby him in the Philofophical Tranfaftions.
The claws are of a beautiful feagreen color, ending at
the points in a lively rofe color ; the difk or center of the
_claws and the body are of a brown color»
Sea Daifle.
This animal flower has a
head like the calyx of a flower,
having many variegated claws,
which it draws in. Its body
Is covered with little warts.
2. Actinia Beilis.
Actinia calyciflora, tentaculis
retraBilibus varie-
gatis, corpore verrucofo.
Hydra calyciflora, tentaculis retraBilibus variegatts,
corpore verrucofo. Gsertner Phil. Tranf. Vol. 52. pag. 79.
tab. 1. fig. 2.
This was likewife found by Dr. Gasrtner in Cornwall.
The item is quite fmooth, and inclining to a carnation
color. The outftde of the cup and body of the animal is
marked with white protuberances or warts, and from a
flefh color changes - infenfibly towards the border of the
cup, firft into purple, then into a violet, and at 1 aft into
a dark brown. The feelers that furround the difk are al-
moft tranfparent, and of different lengths and colors;
fome of them are of a pale afh color with brown fpots,
others of a chefnut color with white fpots. The difk or
upper part is formed like a ftar, compofed of variegated
rays of a- beautiful mixture o f brown, yellow, afh color
and white.
3. Actinia gemmacea. Studded Sea Star-flower.
Adtinia difeflora, ten- This animal flower has. a
taculis retraBilibus flub- difk furrounded by femitran-
diaphanis, corpore milia- fparent claws, which it has the
ribus glandulis longitudi- , power of drawing in. Its body
naliterftriato. is ftriated lengthways with
thoufands of little glands.
Hydra difeiflora, tentaculis retraBilibus fubdiaphanis,
corpore cylindrico miliaribus glandulis longitudinaliter
ftriato. Gasrtner Phil. Tranf. Vol. 52. pag. 82. tab, 1.
fig . 4 .
This is likewife one of Dr. Gaertner’s from the coaft of
Cornwall, and only to be met with in the fiflures of the
rocks. ' ■ ,
The color of the ftem is of a pale red near the bafe, the
reft of a yellow mixt with grey afh color. The glands' of
the middle row are white, the reft of the fame color with
the ftem. The feelers are of a whitifh color, varied at the
B 2 upper