eight claws each. They are
placed in irregular rows on
each fide. It is fupported by
a black horny bone.
T ab. i2, FrG. 2. 3..
This Sea-Shrub grows a foot high, and makes a moll
beautiful appearance with its bright purple flelh and white
polypes. It was taken up alive, and immerled in fpirits
by John Greg, Efq. of Dominica, and fent in this ftate
to the Earl of Hilllborough, who did me the honor to
prefent it to me.
Tab.12. «g Gorgonia viminalis.
F ig . i ..
Gorgonia ramisfubtere-
t'ibus divaricatis fetaceis
fparfis ere&is, carne flava,
polypis albis oElotentacula-
tis diftichisi.
T ab.
This Sender Sea-fhrub
harbour of Charleftown,
Tifq. who fent it to me pi
1762. It grows about a
of a black horny texture,
6. Gorgonia muricata.
Gorgonia- comprejja. ra-
rn.ofa dichotoma,, earns
crajfa fubalbida, ofeulis
cyiindnicis. arreHk.inur.ica-
Spanijh Broom Gorgon.
This Gorgon has loofe,
roundifh, Sender, and eredt
branches, with yellow flefh,.
and polypes with eight claws,
in rows on both fides-
12. F ig. 1 .
•like animal was found near the
in South-Carolina, by J. Greg,
■ eferved in fpirits about the year-
foot high or more ; the bone is:.
Sea Hedge-Hog Gorgon-.,
This Gorgon has compreffed!
Subdivided branches,, covered,
with a firm whitiSi fleflj, full
o f cylindrical, little mouths,
tis, ojfe ancipiti cornea ni- which Sand eredt, and are de-
gricante. fended by Sony fpiculae, or
fpines. The bony part is flat-
tiSi, with two edges, of a
horny nature and blackilh color.
This is very common all about the American iSands in
the WeS Indies. The polypes have eight claws, and are
protected by thefe fpines. This is one of Mr. Greg’s col-
ledtion; and upon difledting it, I firft difeovered the
Spawn, which confiSs of round white eggs, like thofe described
in the Alcyonium digitatum, or Dead Man’s Toes,
and when it is fent forth, it pafies through the polypes as
it does in the Alcyonium.
7. Gorgonia verticillaris. Sardinian White Gorgon.
Gorgonia teres pinnata
ramofa, ramulis alternis
parallelism ofeulis verticilla-
tis incurvât is, carne fqua-
mulis albidis. vitreis ob-
teEld, offe elaminis fubtefa-
ceis nitidis compofto.
This Gorgon has round pinnated
branches ; the little fide
branches are alternate and parallel,
with mouths bending
inwards, and placed in whirls
about the Hem and branches.
The flefh is covered with little
white glafly feales, and the
bone is compofed of layers of
a ihining pearl-colored Shelly
' Sea-Feather. Ellis Corallin. pag. 60. tab. 26. fig.
S. T . V.
Gorgonia verticillaris. Linn. Syll. Nat. Ed. 12, p. 1289.