I l l
bus cuneiformibus, ex apice are wedge-fhaped and two-
utriufque lateris prolifer is: edged, fending out fmall
ramulis brevibus fubula- pointed branches from the top
tis ; articulis teretibus. of each of their fides, with
round joints.
T ab. 2 i. F ig. b. B.
The appearance o f this Coralline is very flat, white,
flender, and fmall, and looks as if it was very clofely pen-
nated, or with fine white fibres coming out on each fide,
like a branched feather. It is themoft delicate of all the
tribe, and was lately brought from the Weft Indies.
r. 24. Corallinagranifera.
Corallina trichotomy,
articulis Jlirpium compref-
Jis cuneiformibus; ramul»-
rum fubteretibus, ovariis
ovalibus pedunculatis op-
pojitis interdum proliferis.
Graniferous Coralline.
. Trichotomous Coralline with
the joints o f the' ftem com-
preffed and wedge-fhaped:
thofe of the branches roundifh;
from thefe the egg-fhaped ovaries
with ftalks grow oppofite
to each other, and are fome-
times proliferous.
T ab. 21. Fig. c. C.
This differs from all the other trichotomous Corallines,
in having proliferous ovaries, or branches growing out of
them, bearing other ovaries. It is of a fea-green color
and flender texture.
It was found on the coaft of Africa, in the Mediterranean
2 5. Corallina corniculata.
Corallina dichotoma, articulis
Jlirpiusn bicornibus;
ramulorum teretibus.
Coralline with horned Joints.
This Coralline is dichotomous
; the joints o f the ftems
have two horns; thofe of the
fmall branches are roundifh.
White flender jointed Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 50.
tab. 24. No. 6. fig. d. D.
Corallina corniculata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1305.
This Coralline grows on fucus’s, and is found in plenty
in Cornwall. The younger joints, as they fubdivide, are
roundifh. There is a variety of, this kind from the Weft
Indies with much larger joints, that all appear horned,
the branches as well as thofe of the ftems.
I have lately examined fome fpecimens of this Coralline
from Cornwall, and have found that they bear the
fame kind o f ovaries at the angles of their upper divifions
in the fame manner with the two following fpecies ; fo
that it may be a variety of them, or perhaps one of them
in another ftate of growth.
26. Corallina criftata.
Corallina dichotoma ca-
pillaris, articulis teretibus,
. ramulis fafdculatis
crijlatts, divijuris penul-
timis et extremis ovarife-
Crejled Coralline.
Dichotomous hair-like Coralline,
with round joints,
having its branches difpofed in
crefted bunches, with ovaries
at the laft but one and laft di-
Crejled or Cocl's-comb Coralline. Ellis Corallin. p. c i.
tab. 24. No. 7. fig. f, F.
R This