Tab.20. a. Corallina Opuntia.
Fig. b.
Corallina trichotoma
articulata, articulis com-
prejfis undulatis renifor-
Indian Fig Coralline. .
This Coralline is jointed ;
the branches divide into three.
The joints are compreffed,
waved, and kidney-fhaped.
T a b . 2 0 . F ig . b.
Corallina opuntioides, ramulis denfioribus, etfoliis magis
fnuatis atque corfugatis. Sloan. Hift. Jam. I. pag. 57.
tab. 20. fig. 2.
Articulated Coralline o f "Jamaica. Ellis Corallin.
pag. 53. tab. 25. fig. b. B.Bi .
Corallina Opuntia. Linn. Syft. Nat, Ed. 12. p. 1304.
This is found on the Coaft o f Jamaica and the other
Weft-India iflands; and was lately found on the fhore of
Prince’s Illand, in the Straits o f Sunda, by Dodtor Bade-
Tab.20. 3. Corallina Monile.
Fig. c.
Corallina trichotoma
articulata, articulis in-
ferioribus comprejfts con-
vexis cuneiformibus ob-
longis; fuperioribus fub-
Necklace Coralline.
This Coralline is jointed,
and branches out in a threefold
divifion : the lower joints
are compreffed, convex, wedge-
fhaped, and oblong ; the upper
ones are almott cylindrical.
T ab. 20. F ig . c .
This was found on the coaft of Jamaica. There is a
good fpecimen of this in the Britirn Mufeum.
4. Corallina incraffata.
Co ra l l in a . trichotoma
articulata, articulis cont-
prefis convexo-planisc cuneiformibus.
T ab. 20. F i g .
Flejhy Coralline.
This Coralline is jointed,
and the branches divide into
three, with compreffed, planoconvex,
wedge-fhaped joints.
d. d 1— 3. D 1— 6.
Ellis Corallin. pag. 53. tab. 25. fig. A. a.
This is found very frequently caft on fhore in the American
iflands, particularly Jamaica.
5. Corallina Tuna.
Corallina trichotoma
articulata, articulis com-
prejfts planis fubrotundis.
Funa Coralline. T ab.20.
Fig. e.
This Coralline is jointed,
and the branches divide into
three; with ftnooth compreffed
roundiih joints.
T a b . 20. F i g . e.
Opuntia marina. Parkinf. Theatr. p. 1294. fig. 12.
Marfigli Hift. de la Mer, pag. 65. tab. 7. fig. 31.
This is found in the Mediterranean Sea.
6. Corallina Rofarium.
Corallina dichotoma,
articulis fubmonilifomnibus
; inferioribus cylin-
Rofary Coralline. Tab.2i.
Fig. hv
This Coralline grows with
its branches divided in two,,
having round joints which are.
fomething like a necklace; the
lower joints are cylindrical.
T ab. 21. F ig . h. FI. H 1— 3,