Lithophyton Americanum, maximum, cinereum, cortice
punElato. A<ft. Par. 1700. pag. 34. tab. 2.
Hughes Hift. Barbadoes, tab. 27. fig. 1.
This Gorgon was fent by Mr. Greg, preferved in fpirits,
to the Earl of Hillfborough.
The flefh is very thick, and the bone very finall at the
extremities: in large old fpecimens the bone is very
black, and like horn.
18. Gorgonia Flabellum.
Gorgonia reticulata,
ramis interne comprefjis,
came jlava [inter dum
purpurea) ofculis minutis
fparfis, polypis oElotenta-
culatis, ojfe nigro corneo,
in ramis majoribus tenui-
ter firiato.
Venus s Fan.
This Gorgon grows inform
o f a net, with its branches
comprefled inwardly. The
flefh is yellow, fometimes purple,
with fmall mouths, placed
irregularly, having polypes
with eight tentacles. The
bone is black, horny, and
llightly ftriated on the larger
Flabellum Veneris. Ellis Corallin. pag. 61. tab. 26.
fig. A.
Gorgonia Flabellum. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1293.
Both the trunk and branches of this Sea-Fan are pinnated,
and by the means of the fmall branches crofling
each other and blending together, they compofe this elegant
reticulated form. Mr. Greg has likewife fent over
many fmall fpecimens of this Sea-Fan preferved in fpirits,
with the polypes extended, which have eight claws.
This elegant Sea-Fan is found principally in the American
feas, where they grow to three and four feet high.
They are lik ewife brought from the Mediterranean and
the Eaft-Ind ian feas.
19. Gorgonia fuberofa.
Gorgonia ramofa fub-
dichotoma, ramis longio-
ribus crajfts teretibus af-
cendentibus, came minia-
cea fpongiofa, ofculis fu b-
flellatis in quihcunces fere
difpofitis, ojfe pallide rubra
Cork-like Gorgon.
This Gorgon is branched in
a fubdivided manner, with
very long upright, round,
thick branches. The flefhy
part is of the color o f red lead,
and fpongy ; the mouths are
like little ftars difpofed al-
moft in a quincunx order.
The bone, or inward hard
part, is of a pale red, and of
the fubftance of cork.
Ellis Corallin. pag. 63. tab. 26. fig. P. Q^R.
This foft fpongy Coral-like Gorgon is evidently one of
this genus, from the different hardnefs o f the inner fubftance
or bone of the animal, compared with the flefhy
part on the furface ; where the flefh is rubbed off the inner
part, it is ftriated as in others o f this genus. I have
feen fpecimens of it eight or nine inches long. The
branches are nearly cylindrical, growing a little flenderer
towards the top : they are in thicknefs about the fize of
a large goofe-quill : and are found D O 1 1 / 1 1 on the coaft o f South-
Carolina and the Bahama Iilands.
20. Gorgonia Briareus.
Gorgonia fubramofct
teres crajfa, bafi fupra
‘The Gorgon Briareus. Tab.14.
Fig. I.
This Gorgon rifes with very 2.
few, thick, fucculent branches,