having atubulous mouth to each of its cells. The whole*
is of a deep yellowifh femi-tranfparent color-, and of a
membranaceous texture.
Fluftra membranaceà. Chagrin Sea Matt.
Membranaceous adhering
Sea Matt, with oblong quadrangular
cells, pointed at the
upper projecting angles.
Fluftra piano-foliacea
indivifa adnata, hinc cel-
lulis quadrangulis oblon-
gis, ad angulos Juperiores
prominulis, mucronatis.
Flujlra membranacea. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag.
i 3QIThis
Sea Matt was brought from Weymouth, in Dorr
fetfhire, and was found adhering to the Fucus digitatus.
There are difperfed here and there, at regular diftances
over the furface, little tranfparent, ffiort, eredt tubes;
but to what ufe I ftiall not pretend to determine, unlefs
they are the ovaries.
Animal crefcensplantoe
Stirps crußacea, lapi-
defcens, e cellulis feriatis
compofita, plerumque ra-
mofa et articulai a ^ tubu-
lis adhcsrens.
Capitulapolypiformia e
poro vel ofculo fingulce
celluhz exferens.
Is an animal growing in the
form of a plant.
The ftem is cruftaceou s, inclining
to ftone, compofed of
rows of cells, for the moft
part jointed and branched, adhering
by little tubes.
It fends forth polype-like
fuckers from the little openings
of each of its cells.
'Ovaria incerta, nifi'bul- The ovaries are uncertain ;
lulas fupra cellulas voca- but moft probably the little
;<nus, qiue in nonnullis fpe- hemifpherical covers, that ap-
ciebus extant.. pear over the cells, do that
Linnaeus, in a note at page 1315 of his Syftem of
Nature, Ed. 12. remarks, that the veficles which we
obferve in the ivory-tufted Celleferous Coralline, and in
the Goat’s-horn Coralline, feem to unite this genus in a
natural order to the Veficular Corallines.
This genus has likewife an affinity to thofe Fluftras or
Sea Matts that have but one layer of cells, particularly
the Cellaria avicularia, or Bird’s-head Coralline, where
there are feveral rows of cells united together in one fin-
gle layer.
In this fpecies, and in the Cellaria ciliata, or Ciliated
Celleferous Coralline, they have fomething lingular projecting
from their cells, which is little figures not unlike
birds heads, particularly the former, the ufe of which is
not yet known. In this fpecies I have obferved .in the
microfcope while it was alive, in a watch-glafs full of fea-
water, thefe birds heads opening and ffiutting their beaks
all the time that the polypes were extending and contracting
themfelves in their cells.
The arrangement of the cells of the Cellaria loricul.ata,
or Coat of Mail Coralline, obliges me to confider the
Cellaria. farciminoides, or Bugle Coralline, as belonging
to this genus; becaufe the Cellaria loriculata has its cells
placed back to back, which has the appearance of tending
to the roundnefs of the Bugle Coralline.
I had formerly ranged the Bugle Coralline with the articulated
Corallines : but the ffiape and difpofition of the
D 2 cells,