2. Cellaria neritina. Snail-bearing Coralline,
Cellaria dichotoma fe r -
ruginea, cellulis alternis
unilateralibus extrorfum
mucronatis, ovulis fub-
tejlaceis nitidis interje&is,
ofculis margine fubfufco
This Coralline is o f a red-
dilh brown color and dichotomous,
with alternate pointed
cells, looking.one way ; having
a little egg on the outfide
of each, with an opening fur-
rounded by a dark-colored
Ellis Phil. Tranf. Vol. 48. pag. 115. tab. 5. fig. a. A.
Corallin. pag. 35. tab. 19.
Sertularia neritina. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1315.
3. Cellaria avicularia.
Cellaria latiufcula dichotoma
ereEla, cellulis
unilateralibus alternis bi-
fetis, ore galeato, appendi-
culis injlar avium capitum
Bird's-head Coralline.
This celleferous Coralline
is fomewhat broad, dichotomous,
and ereCt : the cells are
alternate and look one way,
having a helmet-like figure
oyer the opening, with two
little fpines on the top of
each : on the outward margin
o f each is a little figure like a
bird’s head.
Bird s-head Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 36. tab. 20.
No. 2. f igO. a. A.
Sertularia avicularia. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12.
Pag- 1315-
4. Cellaria
4. Cellaria reptans. Creeping Celleferous Coralline.
Cellaria repens dicho- This creeping celleferous
toma articulata, cellulis Coralline has dichotomous
alternis unilateralibus, of- jointed branches, with its cells.
culis bifetis. facing one way and placed alternately;
their .mouths have
two little briftles.
Creeping Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 37. tab. 20-
No. 3, fig., b. 13.
Sertularia reptans. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p .13 15 .
This celleferous Coralline is very common on the Eag-
lifti coaft, and is generally found adhering to fhells and
There is one thing very remarkable in the radical
tubes, by which fome of this fpecies adhere, and that is-
little hooks difpofed along the fides of them, like thofe in
briars. See fig. F.- in plate 20. Effay on Corallines-
This is very different from the roots of vegetables^
5. Cellaria fcrupofa. Stony Angular-celled Coralline-
Cellaria lapidofa This creeping celleferous
dichotoma, cellulis. angu- Coralline is ftony and dicho-
latis alternis wiilaterali- tomous, having alternate cells
bus.. looking one way, with an angle
projecting on the outward:
fide of each;
Creeping Jlony Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 38..
tab. 20. No. 4. fig. c. C.
Sertularia fcrupofa. Linn.. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 131 p-
6. Cellaria.