This curious Sea-Feather has been lately introduced
from the Eaft Indies. There is an elegant fpecimen of it
in the Britilh Mufeum, lately prefented by Lord Pigot.
In the fpecimen which I have, there are little mouths on
all the branches down to the bafe : thofe on the larger
branches are much bigger, and project more, than thofe
on the eredt fmall branches.
io . Gorgonia Placomus.
Gorgonia plana dicho-
toma, ramis flexuofis ra-
rius anaflomofantibus, of-
culis conicis fetaceis emi-
nentibus, ojfe fubjlantid
fere lignofd.
Great Norway\ Gorgon.
ThisGorgon has its branches
difpofed in a dichotomous order
and a flattifh form ; they
bend irregularly towards one
another, but rarely unite.
Their mouths are conical,
project, and are furrounded at
top by little fpines. The bone
or fupport is nearly of the fub-
Ilance o f wood.
Wanted Sea-Fan. Ellis Corallin. pag. 67. tab. 27.
fig. a. A. A 1. A 2. A 3 .
Gorgonia Flacomus. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1290.
This Sea-Fan is of a reddifh brown color ; it grows on
the coaft o f Norway, to a very large fize, feveral feet high;
it is now and then found on the coaft of Great-Britain.
There is a good- fpecimen of it in the Britifh Mufeum,
which was lent to me from Stavanger, in Norway, in thé
year 1755. I have two varieties of this fpecies from the
Eaft Indies ; one very, fmall, three inches long, with its
flefh and mouths covered with reddifh glafly fpines the
other of a cinereous color, with its internal part very like
the confiftence of leather; this is about five inches
x i. Gorgonia pinnata.
Gorgonia ramofa pinnata,
ramulis fuboppofitis
comprejfis, ofeulis polypi-
feris in marginibus feria-
tint difpojitis, carne al-
bido-fiavefeente intus pur-
purafeente, ojfe corneo.
Wejl-Jndia pinnated Gorgon. Tab.14.
Fig. 2.
ThisGorgon is branched and
pinnated ; the fmall branches;
are comprefled and nearly op-
fite. The polype fuckers come
out of the mouths in regular
rows on each margin. The
flefh is yellowifh, with fome
appearance of purple on the
infide. The bone is horny.
T ab. 14. F ig. 3.
This elegant Sea-Feather is very common in the Weft
Indies. It is often found of a fine purple color, at other
times yellow. This fpecimen was fent in fpirits, with all
the polype fuckers extended, by Mr. Greg, who was very
attentive, in his colledting them, to fhew in what manner
they appeared alive. It is often confounded by authors
with the G,. fetofa of Linnams, or Sea-Feather of
Sir Hans Sloane.
12. Gorgonia exferta.
Gorgonia teres fpajrfe.
ramofa, ramulis alternis,:
ofeulis oEtovalvulis ' alter-
ms, polypis oElotentacuTa-
tis exfertis, carne Jquanm- albis• vejlita, ojfé fub-
JjtfcoL corneo
Bareheaded Gorgon. - Tab.ij,
Fig. iv
ThisGorgon is round, thinly 2.
branched, and the branches
alternate. The mouths, or
cells, are placed alternately ;
thefe have eight valves, and
the polypes; have as many
claws, and appear on theout-
fide .