of a milk-white color ; but being fo brittle, it is rare to
get perfedt fpecimens of it.
Tab.2i. jo. Corallina cufpidata. Spear-pointed Coralline.
Corallinafubtetracheto- Coralline with branches ofa.
rticulis cjlindricis, ten dividing into four; the
geniculis tendinaceo-gluti- joints are cylindrical, and
nofis, ramulis acutis. united by a glutinous, tendinous
fubftance ; the branches
end in fharp points.
T ab. 2x. F ig. f.
This Coralline is very brittle and white ; it grows in
tufts about three inches high, and is found on the fhores
o f the Weft-Indian iflands.
Fig? ”.1" 31 * Corallina Tribulus. Caltrop Coralline.
Corallina fubpentacho- Coralline with branches of-
toma, articulis ancipitibus, ten divided into fiv e ; the
geniculis tendinaceo-gluti- joints are two-edged, and
nofis. united together by a glutinous,
tendinous fubftance.
T ab. 21. F ig. e.
This Coralline is of a whitifh color, and much thicker
and larger than the preceding ; it is found on the coafts
of the Weft-Indian iflands.
T ab.24. 32. Corallina Flabellum. Fan Coralline.
CorallinaJlipite Jimplici Coralline with a Angle inincrujlato,
ramis omhibus cruftated Item, having the
conglutinatis, fronde fla-
belUformi incrujlata fub-
branches glued together into a
leaf, like a fan, covered with a
calcareous cruft, and fome-
what waved.
T ab. 24.
This Coralline varies from the figure of a flat kidney-
fhaped leaf, an inch high, with a broad ftalk, to a large
fubdivided, lobated and undulated one of five inches high
and as many broad : at the bottom of the ftalk is a tuft
of fine hair-like tubes. There are many varieties of this
curious Coralline brought to us from the Weft Indies ;
they are of different colors, from a greenifh brown to a
33. Corallina congluti-
Conglutinated Coralline. T ab. 25.
F ig . 7.
Corallina Jlipite jimplici
fubincrujlato, ramis dicho-
tomis omnibus conglutinatis^
fronde jlabelliformi nuda.
Coralline with a Angle Item,
flightly incruftated, with all
its branches dichotomous and
glued together, but not covered,
forming a figure like a
leaf of a fan-fhape.
T ab. 25. F ig. 7.
We can plainly diftinguifh all the dichotomous branches
of this Coralline on its furface, .which are each of them
feparately covered with a thin calcareous fubftance. full of
pores; thefe, by growing fo clofe to one another, become
glued or united together by their covering.
This was found on the coaft of the Bahama iflands. It
is of a fea-green color, and one inch and an half high..
34. Corallina