concatenatisy ore margi- horns, difpofed like links to-
nato. gether, with a margin round
the mouth of each.
B ull' s-horn Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 42. tab. 22.
No. 9. fig. b. B.
Sertularia loricata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1316.
12. Cellaria anguina.
Cellaria cellulh Jimpli-
cijfftmis, tubulis obtujis cla-
vatisy apertura later alt.
Snake Coralline. Ellis
No. 11. fig. c. C. D.
Sertularia anguina. Lii
Snake's-head Cell. Coralline.
This Coralline has only fin-
gle cells, of a blunt tubular
club-fhape, with an opening
on one fide.
Corallin. pag. 43. tab. 22.
m. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1317.
13. Cellaria farciminoides.
Cellaria articulata di-
chotomay articulis • fubcy-
lindricisy cellulh rhambeis
Bugle Coralline.
Tubularia jijlulofa.
Bugle Cell. Coralline.
This Coralline is jointed
and dichotomous ; the joints
are almoft cylindrical,, and covered
on all fides with lozenge-
fhaped cells.
Ellis Corallin. pag. 46. tab. 23.
Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag, 1302;
T ab. 5. 1 4 . ‘ Cellaria cereoides.
Fig. b.
B. C.D. Cellaria articulata ra-
mofay articulisfubcylindri-
'Torchthijlle Cell. Coralline.
This Coralline is jointed and
branched, with joints almoft
cis, ofculis cellularum un- cylindrical. The little mouths
dique prominulis. of its cells on all fides are a
little prominent.
T ab. 5. F ig. b. B. C. D. E.
This ere£l cellular Coralline is about three inches high ;
the larger joints are about three quarters of an inch long,
of a dirty white color, and of a ftony coral-like fubftance.
It grows in eredt tufts, irregularly joined together: the
joints are united by little wriiikled tubes : thefe tubes
frequently grow out of one of the cells on the fide of the
joints; and it is particularly remarkable, that from the
end of fome of the tubes fo fituated, a joint grows full of
cells, which are placed both above and below the tube,
fo that the joint, with its cells, is fupported intirely by
the little tube in the middle. This joint, thus fufpended
by the tube, is reprefented at fig. C. tab. 5. where it is
magnified, with the upright and crofs fedtion E. and D.D.
to fhew the fituation of the cells.
This was brought from Algiers, on the c'oaft of Africa,
in the Mediterranean Sea, and prefented to me by Gufta-
vus Brander,* Efq.
15. Cellaria tulipifera. Tulip Cell. Coralline. T ab. 5.
F ig , a.
Cellaria Jlirpe articii- This Coralline has a femi- A-
lata lapidea fubdiaphana, tranfparent,jointed, ftony ftem.
articulis clavatis, cellulis The joints are club-fhaped.
ternis dentatis connexis ex From the upper part of the
apicibus articulorum exe- joints arife three little den-
untibusy - et fcepe terminan- tated cells united together ;
tibus. thefe are placed oppofite to
one another, and often at the
end of the ftem.
T ab. 5. F ig. a. A,
E 2 This