Tab.22. u , Corallina lichenoides,
t i g . 8.
Corallina dichotoma^ra-
mis continuis rugoflufculis
Jupet-ne complanatis.
Liverwort Coralline.
Dichotomous Coralline with
tranches a little rugged and
not jointed ; the tops of them
are flat.
T ab, 22, F ig . 8,
This Coralline is of a fea-green color, and much fhorter
than the foregoing. It is found on the coaft of the Bahama
ab.22. j r, Corallina indurata.
G. 7.
Corallina dichotomy ra-
mis fubcontinuis ieretibus
Icevibus dmaricatis.
T ab.
This was found with
Bahama iflands.
Hardened Coralline.
Dichotomous Coralline with
round, fmooth and fpreading
branches, fcarcely jointed.
2. F ig. 7.
the former on the coaft of the:
Tab.22. 16. Corallina fruticulofa.
Fig . 5.
Corallina dichotomayta-
inis ieretibus continuis fu r fu
r aceis\ apicibus atte-
Shrub-liRe Coralline.
Dichotomous Coralline witft;
round branches,, not jointed |;
thefe are covered with a mealy
fubftanee,. and grow {mailer
towards the ends.
T ab-. 22. F ig, 5,
There are many varieties of this fpecies, which fpread
their branches more irregularly.
This was found on the Bahama, coaft.
17. Corallina pinnata.
Corallina ramis pinnä-
tis continuis furfuraceis.
Pennated Coralline.
Coralline with pennated
branches, without joints, and
covered with a mealy fub-
This was found on the coaft of the Bahama iflands.
18. Corallina fquamata. Flat jointed Coralline.
Corallina trichotoma,
articulis ßirpiutn rotun-
dato-compreffls cuneiformi-
bus; ramulorum compref-
fis planis ; ultimis-complanatis
ancipitibus acutis.
T richotomous Coralline with
different ffiaped joints: thofe
of the ftem are roundly com-
preffed, and wedge-fhaped
thofe of the branches flatly
compreffed ; thofe at the extremities
are flattifh, going off
{harp on each ftde, like a two-
edged fword.
Upright English Coralline, with Spear-like Heads and
flat Joints. Ellis Corallin. pag. 49. tab. 24. No. 4.
fig. c. C.
This is of a fea-green color, and was collected on'the
coaft of Cornwall by the Rev. Dr. William Borlafe. It
has a very different appearance from the officinal Coralline,
of which fome authors, who have not feen it, Would
make it a variety.
19. Corallina loricata.
Corallina trichotoma,
articulis comprejfls con-
Coat of Mail Coralline.
This Coralline is trichoto-
inoas, with joints that are