Fucus marinus fcrupofus albidus anguftior comprejfus, ex-
tremitatibus quafi a b f c ijjisH. Ox. 3. pag. 646. fed. i t .
tab. 8. fig. 17. Ray’s Synopf. pag. 43.
Narrow-leaved Hornwrack. Ellis Corallin. pag. 6q.
tab. 28. fig. a. A. B.
Fluftra truncata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1300.
This Sea Matt is common on the fea coafts of this kingdom.
The cells open on both furfaces, and are placed
back to back, like the cells in a honeycomb. They are
of an oblong fquare fhape, with a little helmet-like
figure on the top of each. Their color varies from a pale
yellow to a yellowifh brown.
T ab. 2.
F i g . 8. 2. Fluftra foliacea. Broad-leaved Sea Matt.
Fluftra foliacea ramofa. This Sea Matt grows in
laciniis cuneiformibus ro- branches, that divide into
tundatis. wedge-fhaped forms, rounded
at the top.
■’ -y ■ • - T ab. 2. Fig. 8.
Fucus telam lineam fericeamve textura fu a cemulans.
Ray’s Synopf. pag. 42.
Broad-leaved Hornwrack. Ellis Corallin. pag 70
tab. 29. fig. a. A. B. C. E.
Fruftra foliacea. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1300:
This is very common on all our fea coafts. "
1 have given a figure a little magnified in Tab. 2. fig. 8.
to fhew its manner of fixing to fhells, and growing up
into the form of a plant : but I have more particularly
defcribed it in my Eflay on Corallines, pag. 70.
The trunck near the bafe is remarkably fortified with
feveral layers of the fame kind of cells, which have grown
up from the {hell,. and fixt themfelves one over another,
' 5 to
to ftrengthen the animal againft the violence of the waves ;
which is very different from any thing in the growth of
3. Fluftra pilofa. Hairy Sea Matt.
Fluftra foliacea varie Sea Matt with irregular ra-
ramofa, poris fetaceis. mifications and hairy cells.
Irregular fpongy foliaceous Coralline. Ellis Corallin.
pag. 73. tab. 31. IH
Fluftra pilofa. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1301.
This hairy Sea Matt is found frequently incrufting the
fmaller fucus’s on thefe coafts, and now and then rifing
up into irregular leaf-like forms, with cells on both
4. Fluftra papyracea. Paper Sea Matt.
Fluftrapapyracea utrin- Sea Matt like paper, with
quecelliferafummitatibus cells on both fides, having the
fecuris aciei infar trun- tops of its branches formed
catis. like the edge of an axe.
The cells of this Sea Matt are of an oblong fquare figure,
fwelling out a little in the middle of each fide. The
openings of the cells are defended by a helmet-like
figure4 from hence the polype-fhaped fuckers extend
themfelves. This Sea Matt is of a flender and delicate
texture, like thin femitranfparent paper, of a very light
ftraw color.
It was firft found on the coaft o f Suflex, adhering to a
fhell. I have fince met, on the fame coaft, about Haftings,
in the year 1765, with feveral fpecimens, whofe tops