Fig. h.
Fig. H.
Fig, H
Fig. H
Fig. H
Fig. i.
Fig. 2.
Fig- 3-
Fig. 4.
Fig- 5-
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3-
Fig- 4-
F ig -5-
Fig. 6.
Corallina Rofarium, fag. 1 1 1 . n. 6.
two joints magnified, the upper to fhew the
form and difpofition of the cells, and the
lower the calcareous part broken open, to
fhew the inner great tube, with the branches
of cells coming from it, that pafs through the
calcareous part, ending like trumpets on the
3. one of the branches highly magnified, to fhew
the figure of the cells, and ovary between
2. the ovary.
1. one of the eggs.
T ab. 22.
Corallina oblongata, fag. 114. n. 10.
Corallina obtufata, fag. 113. n. 9.
Corallina ru gofa, fag. 115. » .13 .
Corallina cylindrica, fag. 114. n. i r .
Corallina fruticulofa, fag. 116. n. 16.
Corallina marginata, fag. 115. n. 12.
Corallina indurata, fag. 116. n. 15.
Corallina lichenoides, fag. 116. n. J4.
Corallina lapidefcens, fag. 112. n. 8.
T ab. 23.
Millepora truncata^p^. 141. » ,18 .
the top of a branch magnified,
a perpendicular fedtion.
a horizontal fedtion.
one of the polypes in its cell,
another view of a polype coming out of its cell.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. the operculum raifed up.
Fig. 8. the operculum clofing the cell.
Fig. 9. Millepora decufiata, fag. 131. n. 3.
Fig. i o j Millepora lichenoides, fag. 1 3 1 . n. 4.
Fig. n . a fmall piece of it broken off.
Fig. 12. the fame magnified, to fhew the ranges of the
cells, äs they are difpofed over one another.
Fig. 13. Millepora calcarea, fag. 129. 72. 1.
Fig. 14. Corallina officinalis, f ag. 118. 72. 21.
Fig. 15. a joint cut through the middle, and magnified,
to fhew that the cells are nearly alike to
thofe of the three foregoing fpeeies of
T ab. 24.
Fig. A. Corallina Flabellum, fag. 124. 72.32. initsfirft
Hate. v
Fig. B. the fame with three feries of increafe, as in the
ffiells of Oyflers,. &c.
Fig. C. the fame much farther advanced, when it begins
to divide into lobes, which fold over
each other.
Fig. D. the fame beginning to branch from the ftem.
T ab. 25.
Fig. i. Corallina Peniculum,p«g\ 127. 72. 36. full grown.
Fig. 2. Corallina Phoenix, fag. 126. 72.34.
Fig. 3. one of the branches magnified.
Fig. 4. Corallina Penicillus, fag. 126. 22. 35.
Fig. 3, a variety of the fame, with larger branches.
Fig. 6. one of the branches magnified.
Fig. 7. Corallina conglutinata, fag. 125. n. 33.