This Sponge generally adheres to rocks by a very broad
bafe. It is often found incloiing fmall ftones and fhells.
Variety of marine animals pierce and gnaw it into irregular
winding cavities; thefe appear on the outfide by large
holes raifed higher than the reft ; it varies in color from a
pale to a deep yellow, and likewife in the confiftence of
the fibres. When we cut it perpendicularly, we find the
internal part confifting of fmall tubes, which divide into
branches as they approach the furface. Thefe tubes,
which are compofed o f reticulated fibres, extend them-
ftelves every way, by this means increafing the furface of
the Sponge, and ending on the outfide in an infinite number
of fmall circular holes, which are the proper mouths
o f the animal: each of thefe holes is furrounded by a few
ered pointed fibres, which appear as if wove in the form
o f little fpines. Thefe tubes, with their ramifications,
in the living ftate of the Sponge, are clothed with a gelatinous
fubftance properly called the flefti of the animal.
This the fifhermen, as foon as they are brought on fhore,
are obliged to fqueeze out and wafhthe Sponge dean, to
prevent its growing putrid. When they are' firft taken
out of the fea they have a ftrong fifhy fmell, and when
the Sponge is burnt, the fmell foon difcovers its animal
nature. This kind, of which there are many varieties, is
chiefly colleded about the iflands in the Archipelago, in
the Mediterranean Sea, where it is a confiderable article of
2. Spongia oculata,
Spongia ramojijjima
mollis, ramis comprejjiuf-
culis afcendentibus feepe
Branched Englijh Sponge.
This Sponge is delicately
foft, and very much branched;
the branches are a very little
S P O N G I A .
conjluentibus, poris pro-
minulis bifarie difpofitis.
comprefled, and grow ered,
often uniting together; they
have rows of cells on each
margin that projed a little.
Branched Englijh Sponge. Ellis Corallin. pag. 80.
tab. 32. fig. f. F. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 55. pag. 288.
tab. 10. fig. B.
Spongia oculata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1298.
This Sponge is of a pale yellow color, and grows from
five to ten inches high ; it is often dichotomous, and the
branches end obtufely. The fibres are reticulated, and
the gelatinous part or flefii is fo tender, that when it is
taken out of the water it foon dries away. It is found
very common all round the fea coafts of thefe kingdoms.
3. Spongia muricata.
Spongia Jlirpe fuberofd
ramofa, ramis cylindricis
Jafciculis villojis undique
Shagg Sponge.
The fubftance of the ftem
of this SSppoonnggee iiss lliikkee cork,
and branched ; the branches
are cylindrical, and furrounded
on all fides with obtufe little
fhaggy tufts.
Branched tuberculated Sponge. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 5 5•
pag. 288. tab. 11. fig. F.
Spongia muricata. Linn, Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1298.
This curious Sponge was fent from our fadory at Cape
Coaft Caftle on the coaft o f Africa, where it grows in
plenty on the rocks.
B b 4, Spongia
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