Red Sea-Pen. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 53. tab. 21. fig.
1. 2.
Pennatula rubra. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1322.
The Italian Sea-Pen differs from the Britifh fo much,
that there is no room to doubt but they are very different
fpecies. The Britifh is much longer, more flender, and
not fo fiefhy as the Italian3 but the broad, warted, midrib
and fpiny fins of the latter, diftinguifh it plainly ; be-
fides, the denticles are placed fo thick as to appear like a
double row. This varies in color from a deep red to a
pale red. Dodfor Shaw obferves of this, that on the
coaft of Algiers it fends forth fo great a light in the night,
that the fifhermen can diftinguifh the fifh as they fwim by
it, fo as to know where they caft their nets. This was
brought from the coaft of Italy. I am indebted to my
learned friend Thomas Pennant, Efq. F. R. S. for the
curious fpecimen reprefented in the Philofophical Tranf-
3. Pennatula fpinofa. 7he Phorny Sea-Pen.
Pennatula jlirpe car-
ncfa, rachi Icevi, pinnis
imbricatis plicatis fpino-
This Sea-Pen has a fiefhy
Item, a fmooth midrib, and
thorny fins folded one over
Pennagrifea. Bohadfch mar. 109. tab. 9. fig. 1— 3.
Phil. Tranf. Vol. 53. tab. 21. fig. 6— 10.
Pennatula grifea. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1321.
I have changed Bohadfch’s name of grifea to fpinofa,
as being more defcriptive o f its character, the fins differing
from any of the fpecies, yet known by their long fpines.
The fuckers, which I have carefully examined, and had
■ Srawn from the microfcope, have the appearance o f an
elegant flower. This was brought from Italy, and fent
to me by Thomas Pennant, Efq. F. R. S.
Phe Strange Sea-Pen.
This Sea-Pen has a long
flender ftem, whofe midrib is
pennated on both fides; the
pinnae or fins are placed alternate,
and at a diftance from
each other, and fhaped like a
4. Pennatula mirabilis.
Pennatula jlirpe- jvli-
jormi, rachi'idijlicbe pm-
nata, pinnis - lunatis re-
Polypus mirabilis. Muf. Ad. Fred. pag. 96- tab- 19-
fig. 4.
Pennatula mirabilis. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 53. tab. 20..
fig. i f . 'Linn, Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. I3.2-2.-
This Sea-Pen, whofe figure I have taken from Dr.
Linnes’s Mufeum Adolph. Fred', feems not properly to
belong to this genus, or is only a part of one, and wants
the fiefhy bafc. , , ’
I have a fpecimen fent me from Holland with a fiefhy
bafe, whofe pinnae or fins anfwer to his defcription; but
fome of the upper part of it being broken off, prevented
my giving a figure of it.
5. Pennatula antennina. • Phe Peacock-jijh Sea-Pen.
Pennatula jlirpe jim- This Sea-Pen has- a Angle
pliciy rachi quadrangu- ftem; the midrib is fquare, and
/hr/, lateribus tribus po- full of polype-like fuckers on.
lypifera, three fides.
Penna del.pefee pavone. Bohadfch mar. 112. tab. 9,.
fig. 4. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 53. tab. 20. fig. 8,