ip . Sertularia Lonchitis. Sea Spleenwort.
Sextv\ax\a.articulatapin- This Coralline has a iointed
nata, denticulis alternis and pennated Item, with two
diji'ichis apprejfis, ovariis rows of alternate denticles ad-
ovatis operculatis. hering clofely to it. The ovaries
are oval, and have a cover
to each.
Sea Spleenwort or Polypody. Ellis Coral!i
tab. 6.
Sertularia Lichenajlrum. Linn. Syft. Na
Pag- I 3I 3-
I have received fpecimens from the Eaft Indies of a Sertularia
very like this in appearance, but fmaller, where
both the denticles and branches are exaCt iy oppofite, and
the joints both on the ftem and branches much cl Ter together.
The S. Lonchitis was found in the haioour of
i i . Sertularia falcata. Sickle Coralline.
Sertularia denticulis fe-
cundis imbricatis' trunca-
tis, ovariis ovato-oblongis,
ramis pinnatis alternis,
caule jlexuofo.
This Coralline has a waved
ftem, and branches alternately
pennated ; thefe are furnilhed
with a ftngle row of blunt
denticles, lying clofe one behind
the other. The ovaries
are of an oblong oval fhape.
Sickle Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 12. tab. 7. No. 11.
fig. a. A. and the center of the frontifpiece.
Sertularia falcata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1309.
In the center of the frontifpiece to my Effay on Corallines
I have given a figure of this beautiful Coralline,
as it appears alive in the fea. The figure in tab. 7. was
drawn from a dried fpecimen.
:2. Sertularia Pluma. Podded Coralline.
Sertularia denticulis fe -
cundis imbricatis campa-
nulatis, ovariis gibbis cri-
Jlatis,furculis pinnatis lan-
c'eolatis alternis.
This Coralline has bell—
fhaped denticles, lying clofe
above one another ; the ovaries
are gibbous and crefted
the little fprigs rife alternately,,
and are pinnated.
Ellis Corallin.Phe Podded Coralline. p. 13. tab. 7.
No. 12. fig. b. B.
Sertularia Pluma.- Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1309.
This neat feathered Coralline is generally found climbing
up, and furrounding fucus’s, particularly the podded
Fucus. Its little tubulous radicles are difpofed in circles
round the ftem of the Fucus in fuch a manner, by uniting
together, that the force of the fea cannot feparate
it without tearing the Fucus to pieces. The fide branches
that fupport the denticles are jointed ; and the denticles,
whofe margins are ferrated, are fupported in the front of
each by a little projecting hollow fpine, which, in the
Sertularia Pennatula, one of this tribe, is longer and more
diftindt, but cut off at the end, as will appear in tab. 7.
fig.. 1 .2. This little fpine does not appear in our figure,
on account of the painter’s drawing the Coralline from an
oblique back view of the branches. See the figure in
Effay on Corallines, tab. 7. The pods or ovaries have
generally five criftated ribs, pointing obliquely upwards,
G 2 and