Pennatula antennina. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1323*.
This extraordinary Sea-Pen was difcovered by Dr. Bo-
hadfch, of Prague, while he was at Naples in-the year
1757. He fays, when it was brought to him, it was
two feet ten inches long, and very poffibly had been much
longer, as it was broke off at the bafe.
The bone, which was fquare, was covered over with a
yellowifh membrane, and three fides of the upper part o f
the trunk were covered with tentacles, the fourth, bare.
He fays, he numbered them, and found 1310, and that
thefe tentacles are not drawn in, as in the other Sea-Pens.
Other authors mention, that the tentacles are only on one
fide; but Dr. Bohadfch had an opportunity of feeing it
as it was taken out of the fea.
6. Pennatula Sagitta. Phe Arrow Sea-Pen.
Pennatula Jlirpe fili- This Sea-Pen has a very
fiormi, rachi utrinque ap- fender ftem ; the midrib is
proximate pinnata, apice clofely pinnated on both fides,
nudo. and the bafe naked.
Pennatula Sagitta. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 53. tab. 20.
fig. 16. • Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1322.
This very fmall animal, according to Dr. Linnaeus, is
found flicking in the fifti, called by him Lophius Hiftrio,
having its ftem pierced into their fides.
The figure in the Philofophical Tranfadtions is copied
from Linnaeus’s Amcenitates, Vol. 4. tab. 3. fig. 13.
having never feen it myfelf. For my own part, I am
doubtful whether it belongs to this genus.
7.PennatulaCynomorion. Phe Finger Sea-Pen.
Pennatula Jlirpe brevi
rugofia acuta, rachi crafi'a
cylindrica granulofa un-
dique polyp f ?ra.
This Sea-Pen has a ftiort,
rough, ftriated and pointed
ftem ; the midrib is cylindrical
and fleftiy, with its Ikin
like fhagreen, producing polype
fuckers all round it.
Malum infianum marinum. Rondel, pile. 2. pag. 130.
I)je Finger-Jhaped Sea-Pen. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 5 3 •
tab. .21. fig. 3- 4- 5-
Alcyonium Epipetrutn, Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1294*
Since I have deferibed this Sea-Pen in the Philofophical
Tranfadtions, it has been mentioned by fome curious per-
fons that have wrote on natural hiftory, that this Sea-Pen
had no bone in i t ; but being fo fortunate, by the friend-
fhip of Thomas Pennant, Efq. F. R. S. as to have two
fpecimens, Dr. Solander, in order to be fatisfied of the
truth of the affertion, defired to diffedt one of them, in
wbirb we found a bone, as in the others.
8. Pennatula reniformis.
Pennatula reniformis,
ftirpe lumbrici facie, alter
o latere polypifera.
The Kidney-Jhaped Sea-Pen.
This Sea-Pen has its upper
part fhaped like a kidney, and
its ftem like a worm ; one fide
of the upper part of it is full
of polype fuckers.
The Kidney-Jhaped purple Sea-Pen. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 53.
tab. 19. fig. 6— 10.
This beautiful purple Sea-Pen was found on the coaft
of South Carolina, by John Greg, Efq. of Dominica.
K It