fide of the cells. The flefhy
part is covered with very minute
white fcales. The bone
is of a dark-color, and horny.
T ab. 15. F ig. i . 2.
This elegant Sea-Shrub is about two feet high, very
loofely branched, with long flender white branches. The
fuckers Handing out uncovered, when dry, occafioned
my calling it the Bareheaded Gorgon.
It was brought from the Weft Indies, and is at prefent
in the fuperb cabinet of her Grace the Dutchefs Dowager
o f Portland, who was fo obliging as to give me the fpeci-
men reprefented in the plate, where one of the cells and
the polype is magnified..
tt'AE.ij. 1 3. Gorgonia patula.
D g. 3. ' : p .
-*■ Gorgonia comprejfa tortuofe
ramofa fubpinnata
ruberrima, ofeulis dijlichis
fubrotundis halone fubal-
bido ificUifis., ojfe fubfufco
Flat Gorgon.
This fiat Gorgon has
branches growing waved and
partly pinnated j it is o f a
very bright red color. It has
two rows on each fide-of little
round mouths, included in
whitifh circles. The bone is
of a darkifh color, and horny
T ab. 15. Fig, 3. 4.
This beautiful crimfon Sea-Feather was brought from
the Mediterranean. The celebrated Donati fent me a.
piece of this fpecies, preferved in fpirits, with its polypes
extended, which is exprefled in the plate at fig. 4.
* 14. Gorgonia
14. Gorgonia verrucofa. Warted Gorgon.
This Gorgon grows with
round irregular branches in a
flat fan ftiape. The mouths
are like white prominent warts.
The bony part is of a fubftance
between wood and horn.
Gorgonia in piano ramofa
Jlabelliformis, ramis
teretibus flexuofis, ofeulis
prominulis papillofis albi-
dis, ojfe tereti fubfantia
Phil. Tranf. Vol. 50. tab. 34. fig. 19. a.
Gorgonia verrucofa. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1291.
There are various fpecies of this warted Sea-Fan in the
Weft Indies, the Mediterranean, and on the coaft o f
Cornwall. There are fome of them, whofe warts are
more prominent and clofer together than others. This
Sea-Fan, when dry, is of a dirty white or cinereous
color. The fpecimen which I have quoted from the Phi-
lofophical Tranfadtions, is incrufting the Lepas calceolus,
or Slipper Barnacle.
15. Gorgonia anceps.
Gorgonia ramofa fub-
dichotoma, came deprejfa-
ancipitiy marginibus of-
culofsy ojfe fubtereti atte-
nuato fubflantid corneo-
Sea-Willow. Ellis Corallin. pag. 68. tab. 27
Gorgonia anceps. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pa:
Sea-Willow Gorgon.
This Gorgon is branched
nearly in a fubdivided manner.
The flefh is flat on each fide,,
with a row of little mouths
along both the margins. The
bone is roundifh, and fmall at
the ends, of a horny nature,,
inclining to leather.
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