Tab.47. 77. Madrepora porites.
Madrepora ramulofa, ramis clavato-complanatisy Jlellh
contiguis (lamellarumloco\ cufpidato-tuberculatis ..
T a b. 47. F i g . i . .
Madrepora porites. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12:. p. 1279..
Pall. Zooph. 324. n. 192..
78. Madrepora verrucofa.
Madrepora ramulofa ramofiffma, ramis obtufatis, ramu-
lis numerofijjimis fimplidbus verrucceformibusy fe llis fpar-
f s crebris cacis ciliatis..
Madrepora damicornis. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed.. 12. p. 1279.
Pall. Zooph. 334. n. 197. a. {2.
a.. Ramis fubteretibus.
|3. Ramis dilatatis, lobatis.
79. Madrepora limitata.
Madrepora ramulofa, ramis fubcomplanatis, fellisfparfis
fexradiatis margine tsqualibus.
Interftitia fcabra. Lineæ in interftitiis fubreticulatæ,,
limites inter ftellas formant.
80. Madrepora Botryotes..
Madrepora ramulofa, ramis coacervatis crafts fafigiatis-
obtufs, ambulucris reticulato-confragofs.
81. Madrepora granofa.
Madrepora fubramulofa crifata fubdigitata, ramis obtufs,
ambulacris omnibus acute carinatis undulatist fe llis acerofs
XV. A L C Y O N I U M . A L C Y O N I U M
Is an animal growing in the
form of a plant.
The ftem is fixt, and is either
fleftiy, gelatinous, fpon-
gy, or a leather-like fub-
having an outward ikin full
of cells, with ftar-like openings,
or little mouths, which
fend forth
Polype fuckers, through which
the eggs are produced.
Formerly many of thofe irregular marine rnafies, that
could not properly be reduced to any genus, were called
Alcyoniums; and thefe were fuppofed by old authors to
be made up of the froth of the fea. Even in thefe more
enlightened times, many errors have crept into their arrangement,
and feveral fponges have been very improperly
placed under this title, for want of attending to the
proper definition of the genus: for my part, I fhall con-
fider thofe only belonging to this genus that agree with
the foregoing character, except one that is commonly
called Alcyonium Schlofierianum, which, though it is
Animal plantes forma
Stirpsywoz, carnofa, ge~
latinofa, fpongiafa vel co-
Epidermis cellulofa, paris
fella tis feu ofeulis per-
Polypos tentaculatos ovi-
paros exj