T a b . i,
Fie. 3 4.
O f this fea-fhrub there are feveral varieties. The
largeft kind, which is figured in Sloane’s H, Jam. is dichotomous
; there are many o f the fmaller kinds that are
more diffufed in their manner of growing. When they
are recent from the fea, they are of a fine violet color ;
but when we receive them, fome are yellow, others white.
They are now and then found on the coaft of Great-Bri-
tain and Ireland 5 but not frequently.
3 16. Gorgonia pretiofa.
Gorgonia in piano ra-
mofa dichotoma fubatte-
nuata, came miniacea
lubrica molli vafculofa, of-
culis oElovalvibus conicis
fubhiantibus fparjis, poly-
pos albidos oElotentaculatos
bifariam cirratos exferen-
tibiCs, ojfe lapideo ruber-
rimo extus Jlriato et fo -
‘True Red Coral.
This Gorgbn grows fpread
flat, with dichotomous branches
that leflen towards their extremities.
The flefh is of the
color of red lead, foft, flip—
pery, and full of minute vef-
fels. The mouths are irregularly
placed on the furface,
and rife up in a conical form,
confifting of eight valves juft
opening, from whence proceed
polypes of a white color with
eight claws : each claw has a
double row of fibres on both
edges. The bone is ftony, and
of the brighteft red, marked
with minute furrows on the
outfide, and with little hollow
places here and there, that
have correfponded with the
T ab, 13. F ig. 3. 4.
RedCoral. Ellis Corallin. pag. 93. tab. 35. fig. a.
Ifis nobilis. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1288.
The characters of this moft valuable, as well as beautiful
animal, have been fully defcribed by the celebrated
Donati, in the Philofophical Tranfadtions, He was fo
kind as to fend me a fpecimen, with the polypes extended,
preferved in fpirits; it was from this, that I have had the
figure drawn in tab.. 13. fig. 4. In another fpecimen
which he fent me I difcovered the eggs, in differing the
cells, which are fmall round bodies, as in the other Gor-
Though Dr. Linnseus has called this animal an Ifis, he
informs me, that I have more properly ranged it among
the Gorgonias. The genus of Ifis is fufficiently diftin-
guiflied by its joints, as I fhall fhew hereafter.
17. Gorgonia craffa.
Gorgonia teres dichotoma,
ramis crajfis virgatis
divaricatis afcendentibusy
came violacea crajfa, of-
culis prominulis cequidi-
jlantibus, polypos oEloten-
taculatos marginibus cir-
ratis exferentibuSy ojfe fub-
fufco corneo.
Flejhy Gorgon.
This Gorgon is round and
dichotomous, with long flelhy
branches, which bend a little
out, and then grow upright.
The flefh is of a violet color,
plump, and full of little riling
mouths, difpofed on the fur-
face near one another at equal
diftances: thefe fend forth polypes
with eight daws, that
have fmall fibres on each fide.
The bone is of a dark brown
color, like horn.