Tab. io. i.GorgoniaUmbraculum.
Gorgonia flabelliformis
fubreticulata, ramis cre-
berrimis teretibus diver-
gentibus, carne rubra ver-
rucofa obduElis.
‘The Screen-like Gorgon.
This Gorgon appears to be
reticulated, and is fhaped like
a fan ; it has many round diverging
branches, covered with
a reddifh flefh, full of little
warts or mouths.
T ab. io .
This little Sea-Fan is of a reddifh brick color. It fends
forth two or three thick branches from its fhort Item,
which arifes from a broad bafe. Thefe branches fupport
many long llender ones, all tending to the circumference;
thefe are united here and there by little fide branches,
forming together a kind of net.
It was brought from Batavia by William Webber, Efa.
F .R . S.
T a b .i r. 2 . Gorgonia flammea.'
Gorgonia comprejfia ra-
mofa fubpinnata, ofife com-
planato cornea, carne mi-
niata, ofculis creberrimis
parvis not at a.
The fiery Red Gorgon:
This Gorgon grows very
flat, and branches o u t; fome
of the branches are pinnated.
The bone, or inner part of it,
is of a horny texture, and very
much comprefled; this is covered
over with a fcarlet flelh,
full of frnall mouths.
T ab. i i .
This fpecies of Sea-Feather is brought to us by the
Eaft-India fhips from the Cape of Good Hope, and is
the brighteft colored of all this genus, not unlike fire ;
but the flefh as it becomes dry is apt to fall from the bone;
the main ftems grow up a little, waving as they tend towards
the tops. The mouths are oblong ; they are larger
and fewer on the main ftems, than on the fmall fide
branches, where they are in great abundance.
3. Gorgonia juncea.
Gorgonia fimplicijftma
teres utrinque attenuata,
ofife corneo fufico, came
achracea bifiulcata, ofculis
crebris linearibus not at a.
Rujh-like Gorgon.
This Gorgon has a fingle
round . ftem, fmaller at each
end. The bone is of a dark-
colored horny confidence;
this is covered with an orange-
colored flefh, full of longifli
little mouths.
This orange-colored Sea-Whip was found by Mr. Greg
in the new ceded iflands, growing on a fhell, and is very
flexible when alive, and about three feet long. There
are two fmall furrows, one on each fide, which are continued
the whole length of the animal: thefe are the
tubes, funk in, with which the fuckers and mouths did
communicate, when the animal was alive.
4. Gorgonia ceratophyta.
Gorgonia dichoWna,
axillis divaricatis, ramis
virgatis afcendentibus bi-
fulcatis, carne purpurea,
polypis niveis oElotentacu-
latis difiiche fparfis, ofife
atro corneo fujfulta.
Horned Gorogonia. T a b .i 2.
-,ri G. 2 .
This Gorgon grows in a fub- 3.
divided manner; the branches
ftand afundet, and grow eredf,
like twigs. Thefe have two
furrows on them ; their flelh
is of a, purple color, and their
polypes fnow white, having
M eight