206 E X P L A N A T I O N , - -&c.
Fig. 4. the fpines which cover the furface ; highly
Fig. 5. Spongia proliféra, pag. 189. n. 11.
Fig. 6. Spongia palmata, pag. 189. n. xo.
Fig. 7. Spongia tubulofa, pag. 188. n. 9.
Fig. 8. Spongia coronata, pag.. 19.0. n. 13.
Fig. 9. the fame magnified.
T ab. 59.
Fig. I . . 2. 3. Sponges from Otaheite,
Fig. 4. Sponge called the Sea-Fig, from the Mediterranean.
T ab. 60.
The under fide of Afterias Echinites. Star-fifh
with twenty rays, and two rows of fuckers in
each ray, furnilhed w ith . many rows, of large
and fmall moveable fpines, like an Echinus. It
was brought from Batavia by Captain W. Webber,
and is in the pofféffion of Dr. Fothergill.
T ab. 61.
The back pf the, fame.
T ab. 62.
The end of one of the rays of the fame, magnified,
to fhew the fpines in their fockets.
T H E E N D .