have here defcribed : for in this the tubular pores are
more prominent, appearing on the fides like denticles,
and the upper part is flat, and fpread out in dichotomous
branches. It makes a moft elegant figure, when there is
a group of them together, being milk-white, and growing
to about three or four inches hiOgh.
17. Millepora violacea.
Millepora in piano ra-
mofa, ramulis afcenden-
tibus flexuojis- tereti- com-
prejfts^futura porofa mar-
gitiem ambiente.
Violet-colored Millepore- .
This flat branching Mille-
pore has round, ered branches,
a little comprefled, and waved ;
there is a future with a line
of pores encompaflingthe margin.
This Coral is of a fine violet-blue; it rifles from a
fpread bafe about three inches high : befides the line o f
large pores that furrounds the margin, there are two rows
of fmall pores, one on each fide of it. The furfacc,
when magnified, is rough, like chagreen, and here and
there upon it are clufters of little warts, like ftuds or bul-
lulae, which may probably be its ovaries. - When the.
branches are broke acrofs, there appears in the middle a
row of three or four large pores, furrounded by fmall
ones. I had formerly a fpecimen of this■’’.Coral- from
W. Webber, Efq. F. R. S. and very lately forne compleat
ones from Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander, that the divers:
had fifhed up about the iflands in the South Sea.
t i l - Mille PORE1 Sr.
[ 5 ] . M illepores t h a t ' have in t e r n a i , l o n g i t u d in a l
V e s s e l s , and send o u t P ores on a l l Sides from
th em .
18. Millepora truncata.
Millepora caulefoens di-
chotoma, ramis truncdtis
divaricatis, poris quin-
cuncialibus operculatis.
‘Truncated Millepore. Tab.2j. 1 Pig . i—S
This Millepore has a flem,
which fubdivides into wide
fpread, blunt branches, that
have pores with a cover to
each, placed in a quincunx
T ab-. 23. F ig. i — 8.
Phil. Tranfad. Vol. 57. tab. 17. fig. 1— 8.
Millepora truncata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1283.
This curious Millepore, called, by Donati, Miriozoon,
is well defcribed by him in the 47th volume of the Phi-
lofophical Tranfadions, where he has fhewn the polype*
like fuckers extending themfelves, and fecuring thern-
felves in their retreat by a cover to each of their cells. I
have further illuftrated it in the Philofophical Tranfac-
tions, Vol. 57. by giving a difledion of it, to fhew the:
cells all round communicating with the longitudinal vef-
fels, that pafs through the center of the Coral.
19. Millepora alcicornis.
Millepora ramofafolida
compreffa erebla polymor-
pha, poris fparfis obfole-
Elk’ s-Horn Millepore.
This Millepore is of many
fhapes ; it is branched, folid*,
comprefled, and ered, with
many obfolete pores here andl
there on its furface.