like pearl. Their little openings
are furrounded by fharp
teeth bending inwards.
Ellis Phil. TranfadE Vol. 48. pag. 630. tab. 22. fig. 4.
D. Corallin. pag. 73. tab. 29”. fig. D. D x.
This Sea Matt, when magnified, has a white femi-
tranfparent appearance, full of little dots or points. It is
found adhering to fucus’s and fhells all round the coaft of
thefe kingdoms. It is always brighteft when taken in the
greater depths of the fea. There are frequently little
helmet-fhaped bull® on the, tops of the cells, which are
fuppofed to be the ovaries.
The figure at D. in tab. 22. vol. 48. Phil. Tranf.
was drawn for me by Mr. G. D. Ehret, F. R. S. when we
were at Brighthelmftone, in Suffex, while it was alive in
fea-water, in June 1754- Here the figures of the polypes
are exadtly reprefented as they appeared through the mi-
9. Fluftra bullata. Studded Sea Matt.
Fluftra adnata, cellulis
ovatis extantibus albis, of-
culis rotundis, fpinulis ar-
Sea Matt with projecting
white egg-fhaped cells, having
little round mouths, armed
with fmall fpines.
Ellis Corallin. tab. 30. fig. d. D.
I have often met with this little Sea Matt upon fucus’s,.
both on the coaft of Suflex and Cornwall. Sometimes it
is found furrounding their ftems, at other times fpread on.
their leaves.
10. Fluftra
3 L U S T R A . *7
1.0. Fluftra arenofa. Sandy Sea Matt.
Fluftra crujlacea are- This Sea Matt is formed of
nofa lutofa, ports Jimpli- fand and flime into a crufta-
cibus fubquincuncialibus. ceous body, with fmall mouths
placed almoft in a quincunx
Engliflj fandy Mitiepora. Ellis Corallin. pag. 74,
tab. 25. fig. e.
This fandy Sea Matt, o f which but a fmall part is
drawn at fig. e. tab. 23. Eflay on Corallines, was fent
me from Holyhead, in Wales.
| Its fonn, when intire, was exadtly like the upper femi-
circular part of a colt s hoof. The lurface of each o f the
cells was a little hollow in the middle, with a fmall hole
in each : from the appearance it made, when I received it
intire, I judged it to be what Imperatus calls his Lorica
T here is a layer of fand and flime under as well as over
the cells which compofe it. It is very friable when dry.
Whether it belongs to this genus or not, I fubmit to
the curious.
ix . Fluftra tubulofa. Pipy Sea Matt.
Fluftra adnata mém- Membranaceous adhering
branacea, cellulis ßmpli- Sea Matt, with a fingle layer
cibus ovato-oblongis, ofcu- o f oblong-oval cells, and a
Its tubuloßs ereSlis. tubulousereCt opening to each.
This Sea Matt was fent by Mr. Greg, among many
other curious fea productions, from Dominica, adhering
to a fucus, and differs .from all the reft of this genus, in
D having