T a b . 4.
F ig . c.
This elegant little celleferous Coralline grows on the
Fucus minimus dentieulatus triangularis of Sloane’s Hif-
tory of Jamaica, tab. 20. vol. 1. and fattens itfelf by little
adhering radical tubes. It is fcarce half an inch high,
but moft beautifully formed, o f a perfect white enamel.
The three little tubular cells are fo combined as to give a
tolerable reprefentation of a tulip. The fig. A. tab. 5.
fhews the magnified appearance of it, and fig. a. a. a. the
natural fize as it grows on the fucus.
It is found on this fucus near moft of the Weft-India
16. Cellaria Flabellum.
Cellaria lapidea artku-
lata ramofa dichotoma, ar-
ticulisfubcuneiformibus urn,
latere cellulojis.
Fan Cell. Coralline.
This Coralline is jointed,
and of a ftony confiftence,
having its branches regularly
fubdivided. The joints are
almoft wedge-fhaped, and full
of cells on one fide.
T a b . 4. Fig. c . C.
This is one o f the moft elegant Corallines of this tribe z
it is about two inches high, and is found in tufts, fending
out many little tubes by which it adheres. Its milk-
white cells being difpofed in a flat and regular fubdivifion
of its branches, gives it the appearance of fo many little
fans. The back-part of the joints are convex and ftriated,
but the fore-part, where the mouths of the cells are, is
flat. There are three rows of cells in each joint, two
cells in each o f the two lower rows, and three cells in the
T h is
This was firft difcovered by Mr. Cateiby in the Bahama
Iflands. I have feen a fort from the Eaft Indies
fomething like this, but the joints are curved and bent
inwards at the fides : befides, they are longer in proportion,
having a greater number of cells in each joint,
which are difpofed in two rows lengthways, and alternately
placed with refpedf to one another ; fo that it is a
different fpecies from the American one.
Fig. c. and c 1] Ihew the natural fize of both fides of the
Celleferous Fan Coralline, and C. and C i . the magnified
appearance of the fame.
17. Cellaria cirrata.
Cellaria lapidea articu-
lata ramofa dichotoma in-
curvata, articulis fubcilia-
tis, ovato-truncatis, uno
latere planisy celliferis.
Curled Cell. Coralline. J AE- -4*
t i g , d .
This Coralline has jointed D‘
ftony curled branches, regularly
fubdivided. The joints
are a little ciliated, egg-
fhaped, and flattifh at top;
full o f cells, and level on one
T ab. 4. F ig. d. D .
This beautiful little Coralline is about two inches
high. It rifes from a Item, formed o f many pale-yellow
little tubes, and looks like a bunch of curls of a cream
color. It is formed o f joints full of ftony cells, which
are connected together by flexible tubes. The back of
the cells is ftriated and convex, the front is flat: on the
fides of the joints are little hooked fpines, and at the top
a few fmall hairs. There are two rows of cells in each
joint, three in the upper row and two in the under;, the
openings are oval.
I am