I received a large mafs of this Sponge from New Jer-
fe v ; it grows in great broaches on that coaft, but is not
above five or fix inches high. The pores are very fmall
and numerous; the infide is compofed of hard wiry reticulations,
and the outfide is full of minute fpines.
TAB.58. 12. Spongia botryoides. ,
F ig . i—\
Spongisctenenerrima ra-
mofa quaji racemofa : ra-
cemis cams uviformibus,
apicibus apertis.
T ab.. 58.
Grape Sponge.
This Sponge is very tender,
and branched, as if in bunches;
the bunches are hollow, in the
fhape of grapes, and each is
open at top.
FrG. 1— 4..
This beautiful little Sponge is of a bright fhining white
color. The bunches are made up of oblong oval figures,
open at the end ; thefe openings feem to be the mouths
of the animal, to fuck in and throw out the water. When
the furface is highly magnified, it feerns covered with little
mafles of triple equidiftant fhining fpines, as repre-
fented at fig. 4.
This was found, among many other fea productions, in
the harbour near Emfworth, between Suflex and Hamp-
TAB.58. 13. Spongia coronata.
F ig .8.9.
Spongia Jlmplex tubu-
lofa minima, apice fpinu-
lis radiatis coronata.
Coronet Sponge.
This minute fingle tubelike
fponge is furrounded at
top by a crown of little fpines.
This little Sponge, when magnified, is covered all
over with little riling points; it is hollow and open at
the top: the rays that compofe the little crown are o f a
bright fhinipg pearl color ; the body is of a pale yellow.
It was found with the foregoing in the harbour of