3. Madrepora Cyathtrs.
Madrepora fimplex clavato-turbinata, baft aftenuala-, fe lla
■ obco/iica : centro prominulo exefo duplicato.
T ab. 28. Fig. 7,
Marfigl. Hift. tab, 28. fig. 128. No. 11,
Fungites feu Caryophyllus marinus. Plane, de conch.
Ed. 2. pag. 128. tab. app. 18. fig. M.
Varietas corallio cylindracee, bafi vix attenuata.
This Coral is dragged up in great abundance by the
coral-fiihers on the fouthern coaft of France and Italy :
it is always found fingle without branches, and generally
adhering to a piece of Red Coral. It is of a white color,
and very hard. The lamellae are forty in number, with
as many intermediate fmall ones; the latter extend to the
margin, but do not reach to the bottom of the ftar, like
the larger ones. The common or middle fize of this Coral
is about two inches long, and three quarters of an
inch diameter in the broadeft part.
This is taken by fome authors to be the beginning of
the Madrepora ramea; but the intermediate lamella; of
the latter-in a crofs fedtion appear branched ; befides the
M. ramea is of a much looier texture, deeper channelled
on the outfide, and of a ferrugineous color.
There are many other kinds o f the Single Star Madrepores
found foffil in England, France, and Sweden ; but
I Ihall confine myfelf to the defeription of only fuch
as I have met with that are recent.
[2]. Madrepore F asciculate*
Corallium ramofum.
Ft elite terminales.
4. Madrepora Anthophyllites.
Madrepora fafciculata, ramis clavatis corniformibus Ice-
vigatis fubßexuoßs hine coalefcentibus.
T ab.. 29,
Anthophyllum faxeum. Rumph. amb. 6. pag. 245.
tab. 87. fig. 4.
Habitat in Oceano India: orientalis.
5. Madtepora fafcicularis.
Mzdreyora. fafciculata, ramis fimplicibus clavatis dißin&h
fafligiatis baft coalitis -r lamellis extra marginem produdis.
T ab. 30-
Madrepora fafcicularis. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 12781
Madrepora caYiophyllites.. Pallas Zooph. 3x3, n. 18-3.
6. Madrepora fl'exuofa;
Ma.Amporv:fafciculata, ramis cylindraceisftriatisfcabriuf-
oulis flexuofis bine coalefcentibus,. ßellis- cone avis, lamellis
T ab. 3x. F ig. 5. 6.
Madrepora ßexuofa. Pall. Zooph. 315. n. 184.
. Madrepora casfpitofa. Linn. Syft.. Nat. Ed. 1.2.. p. 1278.
Madreporafiexuofa. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12; p. 1278.
forte eadem margine ftellarum in foflilibus detrito ?
Centrum exefüm..
2 ' 7. Madrepora’
T ab. 29.
Fig. 5.6,