Fig. 5. one of the fuckers that furround the head,
Fig. 6. A fea-animal found near the iflands of Grenades.
T ab. 9.
Fig. 1 . Sertularia frutefcens furrounded by the Alcyonium
gorgonoides, pag- 181. n. 8.
Fig. 2. the fame magnified.
Ffo. 3. 4. The bone of the ftem of Ifis Hippuris fawed
afunder, to foew the infide growth.
Fig. 5. The infide of the Gorgonia ceratophyta, to foew
that the medulla is ftopt at each branch by a
Fig. 6. the fame magnified, to foew the figure of the
Fig. 7. The infide of a lprig o f a lime-tree, to foew that
the medulla is continued.
Fig. 8. the fame magnified, to foew the figure of the
T ab. io i
Gorgonia Umbraculum, pag. 80. n. 1-
T ab. i i .
Gorgonia flammea, fag. 8q. n. 2.
T ab. 12.
Fig. 1. Gorgonia viminalis, pag. 82. n. 5.
Fig. 2. Gorgonia ceratophyta, pag. 81. n. 4.
Fig. 3. one of the Polypes magnified.
Fig. 4. A piece of Millepora cserulea, pag. 142. n. 20.
Fig. 5. Ifis coccinea, pag. 107. n. 3.
T ab. 13.
Fig. i- Gorgonia lepadifera, pag. 84. n. 8.
Fig. 2. the cell of one of the polypes,, covered with
{bales, magnified.
Ficr. 3. Gorgonia pretiofa, pag. 90. » .16 . At the bafe,,
where it adheres to the rock, the flefo is taken
off, to foew the form of the bone.
Fig. 4. a fpecimen fent from Dr. Donati in fpirits
Fig..5.. Madrepora axillaris, pag. 153. n. i r .
T ab. 14.
Fig. r. Gorgonia Briareus, pag. 93. n: 20> '
Fig. 2}. the fpiculse of which the bone is compofed
Fig. 3'. Gorgonia pinnata> pag. 87. n. 11.
T ab. 15.
Fig. 1. Gorgonia exferta, pag. 87. n. 12-
Fig. 2. one of the polypes magnified.
Fig. 3. Gorgonia patula, pag. 88. n. 13-
Fig. 4. a. piece of the fame magnified-
Fig. 5. Lepas dorfalis, tefla quinquevalvi corpus tegente
bafi fquamofa, valvulis lateralibus lsvibus;
dorfali rotundata tranfverfim rugofa, ftipite
From the Mufquito foore.
Fig-6. Lepas fafcicularis, tefla quinquevalvi fovi corpus
tegente, valvula dorfali bafi dila-tata angulo
acuto prominente, ftipite nudo.
From St. George’s Channel-
Fig. 7.