T ab. 3
F ig. 1
B .B i,
were digitated, and others that were very irregularly
5. Fluftra carbafea.
Fluftra fo il ace a dicho-
toma, cellulis uno firato
Lawn Sea Matt.
Subdivided Sea Matt, like
lawn, with a {ingle layer of
T ab. 3. F ig. 6. 7.
This Sea Matt has larger cells than any of this genus
that I have met with; they are egg-fhaped at the top,
the lower part of the fides are a little contracted, they
then end abruptly at the bafe. The walls that furround
the cells Teem to be formed of a very ilender tube.
The figure here reprefented was drawn from a fmall
fpecimen, Tent me by the ingenious Dr. David Skene
from Aberdeen : fince which, I have received a mpre
compleat fpecimen from my worthy friend Mr. Parfons,.
M. B. profeiTor of chemiftry, at Chrift Church College,
in Oxford, who collected it at Leith, near Edinburgh y
this is regularly dichotomous, and is of a brownifh yellow
color; the middle of the cells are almoft tranfparent.
4.. 6. Fluftra bombycina.
dibus obiufis dichotomis et
trichotomis confertis ra-'r
dieantibus, uno tantunr
firato cellulofis.
T ab, 4.
Silken Sea Matt.
This Sea Matt has very delicate
thin leaves, divided here
and there at the extremities,
fometimes in two, fometimes
in three parts, growing together
in tufts, fending forth,
radical tubes, and having but
one layer of cells.
F ig, fa. B. B,i.
This was brought from the Bahama Iflands by Mr.
Mark Cate{by, F. R. S.
I have fome elegant fpecimens from the Eaft Indies,
that approach very near to this kind, but they have no
radical tubes, and their fides bend inwards.
7. Fluftra verticillata. Bajketwork Sea Matt. i f f f
Fluftra adnata, fiepe This Sea Matt grows on fu- A‘
frondefcens, frondibus li- cus’s, often fending out flattifh
nearibus fubcompreffis baft linear branches, narrow at the
attenuatis, cellulis turbi- bafe. Thefe confift of rows
natis ciliatis, feriebus al~ of top-fhaped ciliated cells,
tera fuper alteram difpofi- difpofed in whirls, one row
tis. above another.
T ab. 4. F ig. a. A .
This elegant little Sea Matt I found growing on a red
pennated cartilagenous fucus, called Fucus Nereideus,
from the Mediterranean Sea.
The cells when magnified appear furrounded by {harp
denticles, with a briftle fituated in the front of each cell,
bending inwards like a horn : the mouths of the cells incline
forward, and their whole femi-tranfparent fubftance
appears full of fmall points. I am indebted for this,
among many other rare fea productions, to my ingenious
and worthy friend Dr. John Fothergill, F. R, S.
8. Eluftra dentata.
Fluftra plano-foliacea
adnata, hinc cellulis fubo~
valibus nitidis, ofculis den-
tatis inclinatis.
Loothed Sea Matt.
This Sea Matt grows upon
fucus’s ; the cells compofe one
fingle layer: they are nearly
oval, and of a fhining color,
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