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ALCHEMILLA arvenfis.
Field Ladies Mantle, or Parjley Piert.
G en. Char. Cal. in 8 fegments. Cor. none. S e ed s ,
Spec. C har. Leaves plain, three-Iobed, notched.
Syn . Alchemiila arvenfis. Sm. FI. Brit. 190.
A . Aphanes. Leers. 54. Sibth.61. Abbot. 36.
Aphanes arvenfis. Linn. Sp. PI. 179. Hudf. 72.
With. 4. Hull. 37. lielh. 69.
Percepier Anglorum. Rail Syn. 15 9 .
V e r y frequent in fallow fields, gardens, and on heathy-
banks where the foil is gravelly, or fandy, fpringing up in
autumn or during mild weather in the courfe of the winter
or early months, and flowering all fummer long.
Root annual, fmall. Stems numerous, fpreading or pro-
ftrate, round, leafy. Leaves alternate, on fliort footftalks,
plain (not plaited), palmate, three-lobed, deeply cut, fome-
what glaucous and a little hairy, marked with ftraight ribs.
Stipulae attached to the footftalk, large, deeply cut. Flowers
in axillary hairy tufts, green and inconfpicuous. Calyx urn-
fhaped, angular, with 4 larger fegments, and 4 fmaller intermediate
_ external ones. Stamina generally 4, though often
but 1, inferted into the mouth of the calyx. Germen in the
bottom of the calyx, ovate, fmall, with a limple ftyle fpringing
from its bafe. Stigma cloven. Sometimes there are a ger-
mens and ftyles in one calyx, as in the common Alcbemlla,
v. 9. t. 397, with which this plant moft indubitably accords
as to genus. Its ftipulae, infertion of the ftamina and ftyle,
the alternate fmall lobes of the calyx, and we may add its
flavour and fcent refembling Burnet, all prove its relation to the
Icofandrous plants. It was formerly efteemed to promote
urine very powerfully, and confequently to remove gravel and
even the ftone.