W [ 8x6 ]
GALIUM Aparine.
Goofe-grafs, or Cleavers,
G en. C har. Cor. of one petal, flat, fuperidr. Seeds 2,
' ronndifli.
S pec. Char. Leaves eight in a whorl, lanceolate,
keeled, rough,, fringed with reflexed prickles.
Stem weak., Fruit briftly.
oyn. Galium Aparine. Linn. Sp. PI. 157. Sm. FI.
Brit. 180. Hudf. 70. With. 192;. Hull. 36.
Relh. 67. Sibil. 60. Abbot. 34. Curt. Lond.fafc. 2.
t. 9. Mart. FI. Ruft. t. 104. TVoodv. Suppl.
, t. 269. DickJ. H. Sicc.fafc. 17. 3.
Aparine. Rail Sjyn. 225.
- HIS grows oh every hedge, and is well known by the
facility with which it adheres to the hands or clothes of fuch
as go in the way of it. The ripe feeds efpecially hang to the
coats of animals, and are thus widely difperfed. Moft truly
has Linnaeus obferv'ed, in one of his excellent diflertations,
that plants fo furnifhed with the means of flicking to animals,
and which therefore are likely finally to be foattered about
their habitations, are fuch as thrive beft iri a rank manured
foil; inftances of which are Ar&ium, Xanthium, CynogloJJumt
Afperugo', and many more. The pert fceptic may defpife
the iriveftigatioh of final caufes; a rational natiiralift will not
eafily refign the privilege of adoring at every ftep the immediate
agency of an all-wife and beneficent Providence.
The G. Aparine is an annual, and flowers all funmier long.
The weak ftem is fupported by bullies. The minute prickles
that clothe the whole herb point backwards, and are fomewhat
hooked. Theflowers grow but few together, and are of a pale
buff-colour. The expreffed juice of the plant is recommended
as an antifcorbutic. We have not had an opportunity of
judging of its merits, nor does Hr. Woodville bring any frefh
teftimouies in its favour.