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L YS IMAC HI A Nmnmularia.
Moneywort, or Creeping Loofeßrife.
P E N T A N D R IA Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. wheel-fhaped. Capf. globofe, pointed,
with io valves.
Sp e c . C har. Leaves fomewhat heart-fhaped. Flowers
folitary. Stem creeping. Stamina glandular.
Syn. Lyfimachia Nummularia. Linn. Sp. PL 2 1 1.
Hudf. 87. With. 238. Reih. 84. Sibth. 74 .
Curt. Lond. fafc. 3. t. 14. Dick/. H. Sicc. fafc.
12. 10.
Nummularia. Rail Syn. 283.
M eL ONEYWORT, or Herb Twopence as it was formerly
called, inhabits fimilar places with the preceding fpecies, or
rather the banks of wet ditches, creeping over the black boggy
foil of very moift meadows, or on the margins of fhady rivulets,
flowering copioufly in June and July. Root perennial.
Stems feveral, perfe£tly proftrate and creeping, quadrangular
but comprefied, moftly Ample. Leaves much rounder, paler, and
more undulated than in the laft. Segments of the calyx ovate,
pointed. Corolla pale lemon-coloured, divided almoft to the
bafe; when magnifled it is found to be clothed with fmall
glands Handing on footllalks, as are alfo the ftamina. The
antherse are arrow-fhaped. The ftigma blunt, notched. The
capfule is feldom perfected, nor are we able to flgure it any
more than Mr. Curtis.
The qualities of thefe two fpecies of Lyfimachia, either in
medicine or for agricultural purpofes, are, we believe, altogether
unimportant. Their tafte is herbaceous, with a little un-
pleafant pungency or aftringency.