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L Y SIM AC HI A vulgaris.
Yellow Loofejlrtfe.
P ENTANDRIA Monogynia.
G en. Char. Cor. - wheel-fhaped. Cap/, globofe,
pointed, with io valves.
Spec. C har. Panicled. Clutters terminal. Leaves
ovato-lanceolate, acute.
Syn. Lyfimachia vulgaris. Linn. Sp. P i. 209. Sm.
F l. B rit. 227. Hudf. 86. W ith. 237. Hull. 49.
Relh. 84. Sibth. 74. Abbot. 45. Curt. Lond.
fa fc. & t. 19.
L. lutea. Rail Syn. 282.
A n elegant ornament of watery fhady places, and the reedy
banks of rivers, where it intermingles with the Common Valerian,
the Eupatorium, the Lytprum Salicaria, &c. but is
much lefs common than any of them, ft flowers in July, and,
having a perennial creeping root, may be eafily propagated in a
garden, even where the foil is not very wet. In a moift one it
would foon become a troublefome weed.
The Hems rife to the height of 3 feet or more, and are ftraight,
leafy, panicled at the top. The leaves, though generally oppo-
fite only, very often grow 3 or 4 in a whorl, almoft feflile, of a
broad lanceolate form, entire, veiny, frequently downy beneath.
Clufters from the boforns of the uppermoft leaves, joining to
form a panicle of large handfome yellow flowers. Each partial
flower-ftalk has an awl-fhaped, bractea at its bafe. The
divifions of the calyx are pointed and fringed. Corolla fpread-
inff. divided almoft to the bafe. Stamina fmooth, united at •CV
the bottom, fo as to be perfectly monadelphous. Seeds numerous
and fmall, not always perfected.
It feems moft probable that this herb received its Greek name
in honour of Lyfimachus, (as Gentiana and Euphorbia are
ancient names of fimilar origin,) and that Loofeftrife is merely
a tranflation of it. The fable of the plant taming enraged
animals, was probably, like many others, the invention of fome
perfon of more learning than wifdom.