A L G H E M I L L A alpina.
Alpine Ladies Mantle.
T E T R A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en- C har. Cal. in 8 fegments. Con none.
Seed i , naked.
Spec. C har. Leaves digitate, ferrated.
Sy n . Alchemilla alpina. Linn. Sp. PI. 179. HudJ.
FI. An. 71. With. Bot. Arr. 162.'
A. Alpina pentaphyllos. Raii Syn. 158.
J V lO S T rocky mountains in the alpine parts of England and
Scotland produce this elegant little plant; and in proportion to
the barrennefs and opennefs of its fituation, is the rich filvery
fattin of the back of its leaves more denfe and fplendid. It is
moft confpicuous when agitated by the wind ; for the flowers,
though they partake externally of the fame filvery hue, are
fmall and iriconfiderable.
The root is perennial, (trong, and deeply fixed in the clefts
of rocks, chiefly preferring the micaceous kind. Leaves radical,
on long (lender footftalks, deeply cloven into five (rarely
more) obovate ferrated fegments, dark green and fmooth on
the upper fide, very filky beneath. Stalk ere£t, alternately
branched, with a fmall leaf and 2 ftipulse at each fubdivifion.
Flowers on partial (lender filky flower-ftalks, downy without,
fmooth and green within. Calyx cup-(haped, rim fpreading,
in 4 large fegments, with 4 fmall intermediate, rather external,
ones, oppofite to which laft the (lamina are placed. Germen
ovate, in the bottom of the calyx, which invefts alfo the ripe
feed. Style from the bafe of the germen, evincing its affinity
to Potentilla, Fragaria, &c. which its habit arid aftringent qualities
confirm. The flowers appear in July.