[ 347 3 * i ■
OENANTHE pimplnelloides,
Parjley Water-dropwort.
P E N T A N D R I A Digyma.
G en. Char. Florets irregular: thofe o f the dill;
feflile and barren. Fruit crowned with the calyx.
Spec. C har. Leaflets of the radical leaves wedge-
fhaped, cloven ; thofe on the Item entire, linear,
very long. General involucrum o f feveral linear
15yn . Oenanthe pimpinelloides. Linn. Sp. PI. 366.
JJudJ. FI. An. 121. With. Bot. Arr. 297.
O- Staphylini folio aliquatenus accedens. Raii Syn.
2 IP*
* V "E have received this from the Rev. Mr. Hemded, and
from the Rev. Mr. Hugh Davies. The latter gathered it in
fait marlhes near Aber, North Wales.
Root perennial, confiding of feveral flender fufiform flefhy
tubercles, intermixed with fibres. Stem eredt, or afcending,
with fo many angles as to be almoft cylindrical, ftriated, fmooth,
leafy, not much branched. Radical leaves bipinnate; the leaflets
either elliptical and entire, or wedge-fltaped, and more or
lefs cloven : Stem-leaves pinnate, fcarcely bipinnate; leaflets
long, linear and acute. Umbels terminal. Inyolucra of feveral
linear leaves, the partial ones mod numerous, Calyx of
5 unequal, fharp, fpreading, confiderable leaves, Petals unequal,
with a point fo inflexed as to render them inverfely
heart-fhaped, as in many of this tribe, fometimes reddifli on
the back. The flowers appear in July, and perfedt but few
This fpecies is not edeemed poifonous, but the whole genus
is certainly to be fufpedted, on account of the very dangerous
Oenanthe crocata.