VIOLA hirta.
Hairy Violet.
P ENTANDRI A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cal. 5-leaved, lengthened out at the
bafe. P et. 5, irregular; the lowermoft fpurred
behind. Anther<s Rightly cohering. Capf. fu-
perior, of 1 cell, with 3 valves.
Spec. C har. Stem none. Leaves heart-fhaped,
rough, as well as their footftalks, with hairs. Calyx
Syn. Viola hirta. Linn. Sp. P L 1324. Sm. FI.
B rit. 244. Hndf. 379. With. 260. Hull. 191.
Relh. 329. Sibth. 83. Abbot. 190. Curt. Lond.
fa fc. i . t. 64.
V. martia major, hirfuta, inodora, Rail Syn. 365.
1 H E Hairy Violet, which to a carelefs obferver differs from
the common fweet one chiefly in having rather paler and
fcentlefs flowers, is notwithstanding a moft diftinft fpecies
from that, and by far lefs frequent. It is only found on a
chalk or lime-ftone foil, flowering in April or May. Our
fpecimen grew at Charlton in Kent.
Root perennial, fomewhat woody. Stem none. Scyons
fhort, Ample, proftrate, but not taking root. Leaves on long
upright hairy foot-ftalks, heart-fhaped, ferrated, veiny, clothed
on both fldes with fhort denfe hoary hairs. Stipulje in pairs,
radical, lanceolate, toothed. Flower-ftalks taller than the
leaves, fmooth, bearing below their middle (as Mr. Curtis firfl:
obferved) a pair of lanceolate fmooth bradteae. Calyx fmooth.
Lateral petals marked with a hairy line, as in V. odorata.
Stamina flat. Antherae terminating in an orange-coloured
membrane, approaching each other, but not united. Capfule
roundifh, hairy, containing feveral round feeds.