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L O N I C E R A Caprifolium.
Pale perfoliate Honeyfuckle.
f t ;
G en. Chau. Cor,, of i petal, irregular. Berry inferior,
of 2 cells, with fcveral feeds.
Spe c . C har. Flowers ringent, whorled, terminal.
Leav.es deciduous; the uppermoft united and perfoliate.
S y n . Lonicera Caprifolium. Linn. Sp. VI. 246. Sm.
FI. Brit. 260.
Periclymenum perfoliatum. Ger.em.S91.
T h e firft information of this as a native of Britain was
communicated to me by the Rev. T. Butt of Areley, Staffbrd-
fhire, who found it plentifully in a wood near Elsfield Oxford-
fhire. I hefitated to admit a plant fo common in gardens;
but Mr. Relhan having difeovered it at Hinton, Cambridge-
fhire, in his opinion certainly wild, I could no longer refufe it
a place in the Flora Britannica. It has probably been overlooked
as one of the many varieties of the Common Honey-
fufckle, from all which however it is perfectly diftindt, and
eafily to be known by the upper leaves being perfoliate, not to
mention many other marks. It flowers in May of June.
The woody twilling ftem climbs upon bulhes and trees, and
is clothed with oppolite entire fmooth leaves, glaucous beneath,
all which are in fotne degree connate by their footftalks, but
one or two of the uppermoft pairs are perfedtly united and
perfoliate. The flowers grow in whorls, felfile in the bofoms
of thefe upper leaves, and are fragrant, yellowilh, with ablulh-
coloured tube. Their ftrudture is ringent, one fegment of the
border being much deeper than the reft and greatly divaricated.
Berries elliptical, orange-red, crowned with the almoft entire
The fruit only in our figure is taken from a garden fpecimen,
the reft from a wild one gathered at Hinton by J. Holme Efq.
of Peter-houfe, Cambridge.
_2fov.r / tS o o . JPvJ>H/?ted iy J? S ow eriy . JUffrufons.