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G L A U X maritima.
Black Salt-wort.
P E N T AN D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cal. one-leaved, campanulate. Cor. none.
Capfule fuperior, one-celled, five-valved, and five-
Spec. C har. Only one fpecies known.
'S yn . Glaux maritima. Linn. Sp. PI. 301. HudJ. FI.
An. 101. With. Bot. Arr. 246. Rati Syn. 285.
N O T H IN G can be more common than this pretty little
plant in fait marfties. It enlivens large tra&s of the dreary
and wretched fituations where it is found, with its purplilh
flefh-coloured or whitifh flowers, which are produced in great
abundance in the fummer, Handing folitary, and with fcarcely
any foot-ftalks, in the bofoms of the leaves.
The root is perennial and creeping.
The whole plant is fucculent and fait to the tafte. Dr. Withering
remarks that cows eat it.