ME N Y A N T H E S nymphoides.
Fringed Bucklean.
•P E N *T dilSf I) JR 2 A Monogynia•
G en. C har. Corolla hairy. Stigma cloven. Caff, of
I cell.
Spec. C har. Leaves heart-lhaped, entire, waved.
Corolla ciliated.
S yn. Menyanthes nymphoides. Linn. Sp. PI. 207.
Hudf. FI. An. 85. With. Bot. Arr. 206. Re lb.
Cant. 82. Sihtb. Oxon. 73.
Nymphaea lutea minor flore fimbriato. Rail Syn. 368.
Limnanthemum peltatum. Gmelin in Adi. Petrop,
anno 1769, 9. 14. p. 527. t. 17. ƒ. 2. e MSS. Linn.
Waldfchmidia nymphoides. Wiggers Flo. FLolJat. 10.
T H I S beautiful aquatic is found occafionally in the Thames,
chiefly in little recefles of its fhores out of the great ftream j
Lord Lewilham communicated it from near Walton bridge.
It is much more frequent in the ftill canals of Holland thafl
with us.
Root perennial, long and ftringy, as are alfo the Items.
They produce a few pair of oppolite floating leaves, growing
on foot-ftalks various in length according to the depth of the
water, their margin fcarcely toothed, but rather waved. Thefe
leaves, like thofe of the Nymphaese, perfpire quicker than almoft
any others we have obferved, fo as to become dry in a few
hours, though at firft fo fucculent. The flowers grow from
the axillae about Auguft, in a kind of feflile umbel, 4 or 5
together, on long foot-ftalks, and when expanded in the fun
have a brilliant appearance. Their corolla is ciliated, but not
hairyupon the furface likeM. trifoliata: hence fome have thought
it did not anfwer to the generic character, and Wiggers has
aflerted that it belongs even to a different natural order from
the laft-mentioned plant, but without telling us why. As Mr.
de Juflieu, whofe authority is very great upon fuch a point, has
not fepafated them, and asM. indica feems to conned! the two,
<ve think they may fafely remain as they are.