G A L I UM Mollugo.
Great Hedge Bedstraw.
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Ö en . C h a r . Cor. of one petal, flat, superior. Seeds 2,
S p e c . C h a r . Leaves eight in a w horl, elliptical, bluntish,
pointed, rough-edged. Flowers in loose spreading
S y n . Galium Mollugo. Linn. Sp. PL 155. Sm. FI.
Brit. 178. Ituds. 68. With. 189. Hull. 3 6 ,
Relh. 5 7 . Sihth. 5 9 . Ahhot. 3 4 . FI. Dan. t. 4 5 5 .
Mollugo vulgatior. Rail Syn. 2 2 3 .
ß Galium scabrum. With. 190, but not of Jacquin.
T h e tallest of our nqfive species of Galium. It grows, not
»infrequently, among bushes or upon hedges, rising to 3 or 4
feet or more in height, supporting its weak stem among their
branches, and in return decorating them with a profusion of
flowers throughout July and August. On open chalky hills it
is of more humble growth.
The root is perennial and creeping. Stems flaccid, branched,
leafy, swelling and pale above the joints, generally smooth;
often a little downy; sometimes (as well as the leaves) rather
hairy, in which case it is Dr. Withering’s G. scalrum. Leaves
8 in a whorl, elliptic-lanceolate, or obovate, tipped with a
small point, their edges rough with teeth pointing forwards.
Panicles terminal, numerous, spreading. Flowers abundant,
pure white, the segments of their corolla tipped each with a
little erect point. Fruit small, smooth, often abortive.
A fo v .ijS o ß .F tibU sfutl. jb y J ii i S o w e rb y ,L o n 3 e n .