J b h
CHENOPODIUM botryodes.
Many-clustered Goosefoot.
G en. Char. Cal. 5 -c le ft, inferior. Cor. none. Seed 1,
len ticular, invested w ith the closed five-sided c a ly x .
Spec. C har. Leaves' triangula r, somewhat to o th e d ;
the upper ones bluntish. Clusters u p righ t, compound,
rounded, lea fy .
W E are obliged to the accurate Mr. W ig g for pointing out
this plant to us, in waste ground where the soil is moist and
sandy, near Yarmouth, and we have gathered the same between
the cliff and the sea at Lowestoft, flowering in autumn.
The root is annual. Herb most akin to C. rulrum, t. 1721,
but the leaves are very much smaller, and not rhomboid, or
very slightly so, neither are they so much toothed; the upper
ones are most blunt,'their edges somewhat revolute or reflexed;
all of a fleshy texture, smooth, frequently red. , The clusters
of flowers and seed are peculiarly abundant and rounded, often
red, «-rowing on upright leafy branches. Calyx tumid and
blunt. Seedsmall, black and shining.
The Blito Pes anserinus dicio similis, Raii Syn. 154, n. 4,
being found in Oxfordshire, can scarcely agree with this;
which is a maritime species, and we would rather let that remain
as a variety of C. rulrum, at least till an authentic specimen
comes in our way.
224 J
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