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RADIOLA millegrana.
TETRANDRIA Tetragynia.
G en. C h a r . Cal. in m an y fe gm en ts . Petals 4.
Capfule fuperior, with 8 va lv e s and 8 c e lls . Seeds
fo lita ry .
Spec. C har...........
Syn. Radiola millegrana. Sm. FI. B rit. 202.
R . v u lg a r is fe rp y llifo lia . D ill, in Raii Syn. 3 4 5 *
t. 15. ƒ. 3.
Linum Radiola. Linn. Sp. PI. 402,. Hudf. 134.
W ith. 323. Hull. 67. Lightf. 174* Dich/. H .
Sicc.fafc. 10. 7.
I n fandy plafhy fpots, fuch as the Toad Rufh generally
inhabits, the little annual reprefented on the annexed plate
may often be found; yet it fhould feem to be far from a general
plant, not being-mentioned in any of our three principal local
Floras, though noticed by Mr. Jacob in his Plantes Faver-
Jhamien/es, and by Mr. Teefdale among the rarer Yorkfhire
plants, TV. o /L . Soc. v. 2. 107. It flowers in July and Auguft,
foon evincing the propriety of its old names Millegrana and
All-feed, by the multitude of little capfules, each containing 8
feeds, with which it is laden.
The root is fmall and fibrous. Stem an inch or two high,
repeatedly forked, and forming altogether a kind of corymbus.
Leaves oppofite, fefiile, fmall, ovate, entire, fmooth. Flowers
fpringing folitarily from the forks of the flem on little ftalks,
the upper ones only being terminal. Calyx 4-cleft, its lobes
deeply 3-cleft. Petals white, obovate. Stamina about equal
to the corolla. Styles fhort, with capitate ftigmas, permanent,
each combining % of the valves of the capfule. Seeds folitary,
comprefied, polifhed.
The remarkable ftruftiire of the calyx, and the habit of
the plant, not to mention differences of number, furely juftify
the feparation of this genus from Linum, in which we follow
Dillenius and the prefent Profeflor Gmelin,