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C O R N U S fanguinea,
Wild Cornel tree, or Dog-wood,
T E ' T R A N D R I A Monogynia•
G en. Char, Cal. of 4 teeth. Petals four, Drupa
inferior. Nut.of two cells.
Spec. Char. Branches ftraight. Leaves ovate,
green on both Tides. Cymes without inyolucra.
§ yn. Cornus fanguinea. Linn. Sp. PI. 171. HudJ,
FI. An. 70. With. Bot. Arr. 160. Relb. Cant. 68.
Sibth. Ox on. 6 1 . JJHerit. Corn. 5.
C. fcemina. Rail Syn. 460,
C i O M M O N every where in hedges, yet molt plentiful on
a chalk or lime-ftone foil. Jt flowers in June, and the berries
ripen in Auguft.
This fhrub grows to the height of 4 or 5 feet; its wood
is hard and even, fit for the ufe of turners, the bark fmooth
and of a dark red, except on the very youngefl: branches,
heaves oppofite, ovate, entire, ftrongly nerved, green (not
filky) beneath, entirely red before they fall, as in many
American Ihrubs, to which country the genus of Cornus
(though not this fpecies) moftly belongs. Cymes terminal,
flattifh, of many greenilh-white flowers, with an uilpleafant
fmell. Petals revolute in the margin. Germen crowned
with a glandular ring, into which the petals and ftamina are
inferted. Stigma obtufe. Berries dark purple, very bitter, as
is the whole plant. It is faid oil for lamps may be procured
from them if boiled in water and prefled, See Ray’s Synopfis