[ 8 18 ]
SCANDIX Anthrifcus,
Rough Chervil.
P ENT A N DR I A Digynia.
^j EN. Char. Gen. Involucrum none. Flowers radiant.
Petals notched. Fruit awl-lhaped. Centralflow&s
often male.
Spec. Char. Seeds ovate, briftly; beaked. Corolla
uniform. Stem fmooth.
S y n . Scandix Anthrifcus. Linn. Sp. PI. 368. Sm.
FI, B rit. 325. Hudf. 124. Relh. 121. Sibth. 100.
Abbot. 66. Curt. Lond. fa jc. 1 . 1. 19. Mart. F l.
Ruß. t. 75. Dick/. H. 8icc.fa.fc. 15 .3 .
Caucalis fcandicina. With. 289. HtdL 59.
Myrrh is fylveftris feminibus afperis. lia ii Syn. 1 1 o.
T h e plant now before us is remarkable for growing almoft
cxclufively in the neighbourhood of large towns, and its rough,
feeds perhaps afford another inftance of that provifion of nature
we have remarked in Galium Aparine, t. 816. The banks
of hedges, and other dry dufty much-frequented places, abound
with it in the fpring ; nor does the whole vegetable kingdom
afford a more exquifite green, nor fcarcely a more rich and
elaborate foliage, than the young plants of this Scandix difplay
in the earlieft months of the year. Its beauty in that ftate
readily diftinguifhes it from all its neighbours. In May the
flowers are in perfection, and the herb foon fows its feeds and,
withers away.
The ftem is 2 or 3 feet high, round, very fmooth, a little
fwelling under each joint. Leaves triply winged, finely cut,
a little hairy. Umbels lateral and terminal, of 3 or more
general rays, without an involucrum; and as many partial
ones, with fmall partial involucra. Flowers fmall, white,
all uniform and hermaphrodite. Seeds ovate, rough, crowned
with a fhort fmooth beak, which fo perfectly evinces its affinity
to Scandix, and is fo peculiar to the genus, that we cannot fuffi-
ciently wonder at thofe who fir ft removed this plant to Caucalis,