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C A U C A L I S Anthrifcus.
Upright Hedge Parjley.
Gen. Char. Tnvolucra general and partial, undivided.
Corolla radiate. Flowers of the centre male.
Fruit nearly oval, ftriated, rough with rigid
S p e c . C h -VR* Umbels o f many clofe rays. General
involucrum o f many leaves. Leaflets pinnatifid.
Branches nearly upright.
Syn- Caucalis Anthrifcus. Hudf. 1 14 . Sm. FJ.
Brit. 298. With. 288. Hull. 59. . Relh. i n .
Sibth. 93- Abbot. 59. Curt. Lond. fafc. 6. t. 22.
C . minor, flofculis rubentibus. Raii Syn. 219.
Tordylium Anthrifcus. Linn. Sp. PI. 346.
L lN N iE U S undoubtedly errs in referring this plant to the
genus Tordylium. Its briftly feeds, abortive flowers, whole
ftrudture and habit make it a Caucalis; fee v. 3. t. 197— 199*
Few weeds are more general in hedges and the borders of fields.
The flowers, which are either white or reddifli, are moll abundant
in July, and the feeds plentiful in Auguft and September.
The root is annual and tapering. Stem ereft, 2 or.3 feet high,
rough with clofely deprefled briftles, dividing into feveral nearly
upright branches. Leaves alternate, bipinnate, rough; the
leaflets oppofite, cut and ferrated ; the terminal one longeft.
Umbels terminal, ereft, of numerous rays, but little fpreading,
and furnifhed with a fhort involucrum of feveral {harp rough
entire leaves; the partial involucrum is fimilarly formed.
Partial umbels flattifti, denfe. Flowers radiant (or irregular),
though in no great degree. Fruit fmall, rough, with Ample
incurved briftles, its fummit tinged with purple.
This Caucalis is neither noxious, nor remarkable for any
properties of known utility. '