1 Z/ f [ 58 ]
V E R B A S C UM Lychnitis.
White M ullein.
P E N -T A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Corolla wheel-fhaped, a little irregular.
Capfule with one cell, and two valves.
Spec. Char. . Leaves oblong-wedge-thaped, nearly
tmooth on the upper fide.
Sy n . Verbafcum Lychnitis. Linn. Sp. P I. 253. Hudf.
FI. A n. 90. With. Bot. A rr. 225 (3,
V. flore albo parvo. Rail Syn. 287.
G ATHERED in lanes about Dartford in Kent, flowering
in June. It loves a chalky foil, and is mo ft frequent in that
Our fpecimens agree precifely with that in the Herbarium
of Linnaeus, which we learn, from certain marks and numbers,
to be what he intended in the ift edition of Species Plantarum
for V . Lychnitis, though even in that work he feems to reckon
our hoary yellow Mullein as the original fpecies, making the
white a variety.
This Mullein is remarkable for its flraight, wand-like, angular
Item; its leaves very white beneath, but green with a flight
hoarinefs above; and its cream-coloured flowers, which are
produced in great numbers in a compound, cluftered, terminal
racemus, one of the lateral branches of which is all our figure
would admit.
The yellow hoary Mullein is furely a very diftinft fpecies,
its leaves being, on both fides, covered with thick wool— not
to mention other differences.
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