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L Y S IM A CHI A nemorum.
Yellow Pimpernel, or Wood Loofeßrtfe.
P E N T A N D R 1 A Mo?iogynia.
G e n . C h a r . Cor. w h e e l-fh ap ed . Capf. g lo b o fe , pointed,
with 10 valves.
Spec. C har. Leaves ovate, acute. Flowers folitary.
Stem procumbent. Stamina fmooth.
S yn . Lyfimachia nemorum. Linn. Sp. P I. a n .
Hudf. 86. With. 2 3 7 . Relh. Suppl. 3 . 1.
Sibth. 74 . Curt. Lond. fa fc. 3 . t. 18.
Anagallis lutea. Rati Sjn. 282.
r p
A H E pretty yellow Pimpernel of the Woods is a great
ornament to moift fhady groves, flowering from the end of
May till September, though in the greateft perfection and brilliancy
about Midfummer. As the feafon advances, its long
trailing branches hang elegantly over broken ground or mofly
rocks, among little trickling rills, while its neat Ihining myrtle-
like leaves are intermixed and entangled with tufted Hypnums
or the fmaller kinds of fern.
The roots are perennial. Stems procumbent or pendent,
taking root from fome of the lower joints, branched, fquare,
red and pellucid, leafy. ' Leaves oppofite, on footftalks, ovate,
entire, veiny, rather fucculent. Every part of the herb is
fmooth. Flowers on long, flender, folitary, axillary, Ample,
often twilled, ftalks. Calyx in 5 equal awl-lhaped fegments.
Corolla fpreading, divided about half way to the bafe, or farther,
into 5 lobes. Filaments fmooth, fhorter than the corolla.
Style a little club-lhaped, with a Ample blunt ftigma. Capfule
fuperior, globofe, of 1 cell, burfting into 10 valves, which often
flick together in pairs or irregularly in this as in other fpe-
cies. Seeds feveral, roundilh.