b <S r o t [ 897 ]
S I B B A L D I A procumbens.
Procumbent Sibbaldia.
P ENTJNDRIA Pentagynia«
G en. Char. Cal. in io fegments. Petals 5, ftanding
on the calyx. Styles from the fide of the germen.
Seeds 5, in the bottom of the calyx.
S p e c . C h a r . Leaflets wedgefhaped, three-toothed.
S yn. Sibbaldia procumbens, Linn. Sp. PI. 406*
Sm. FI. B rit. 345. Hudf. 136. W ith. 326.
Hull. 68. Lightf. 573. Dickf. H. Sicc.Jafc. 10. 12.
Pentaphylloides pumila, foliis ternis ad extremitates
trifidis, Itaii Syn. 256.
T h e fummits of the highland mountains abound with the
Sibbaldia procumbens, which thrives there in a mouldering
micaceous foil full as luxuriantly as in any garden, and may
be found in flower throughout July. We have gathered it on
Ben Lomond. The prefent fpecimen was fent by Mr, Mackay,
Roots woody, tufted and perennial. Stems fhort, fpreading
and procumbent, except fometimes at their flowering extremi7
ties, leafy, round, downy. Leaves on long footftalks with a
pair of oblong acute ftipulae, like thofe of a rofe, united to
their bafe ; leaflets three, on fhort partial ftalks, wedgefhaped,
terminating in 3 large teeth, but otherwife entire, a little hairy.
Flowers in a fort of fmall leafy corymbus, minute and incon-
fpicuous, with a hairy calyx cut into 10 lobes alternately larger
and fmaller, and bearing 5 little oblong yellow petals and as
many ftamina, placed on a thickened rim, as is. proper to the
rofaceous order to which this genus belongs. Germen of 5,
rarely 10, little round embryos, each bearing a fmall lateral
ftyle. The feeds are dry, fmall and roundifh.
Sir Robert Sibbald firft defcribed and figured this plant in his,
Scotia Illujlrata publifhed in 1684, and it therefore defervedly
bears his name,