r 865 ]
A Z A L E A procumbens.
Trailing Azalea.
PENTANDR1A Monogyma.
G en . C h a r . Cor. bell-lhaped. Stamina regular, in-
ferted into the receptacle. Cap/, fuperior, 5-celled.
S p e c . C h a r . Branches fpreading and procumbent.
Leaves oppolite, revolute, very fmooth.
Syn. Azalea procumbens. Linn. Sp. P i. 2,15. Sm. FI.
Brit. 231. Hudf. 88. With. 239. Hull. 50.
Lightf. 139. Dickf. H. Sicc. fafc. 12. 12.
T H E heathy fummits of all the highland mountains of
Scotland are clothed with a profufion of this, elegant little
{hrub. We are not certain whether it was firft obferved by the
Rev. Mr. Stuart of Lufs, or by any of Dr. Hope’s travelling
pupils, whofe labours fo eminently contributed to enrich the
Flora Scotica. Our fpecimens were gathered by Mr. Maekay
and Mr. G. Don.
The roots are woody, branched and creeping, running deep
into the black moory foil among the fiflures of rocks. Stems
alfo much branched, procumbent, buried in mofs, intricate and
tufted, taking root occafionally at their bafe, clothed with
numerous, oppofite, fmall, elliptical, entire,revolute leaves, very
fmooth fliining and evergreen, Handing on fliort broad foot-
flalks, and marked above with a longitudinal furrow, beneath
by a projecting nerve. The footftalks are often fringed.
Flower-ftalks forming a fort of terminal umbel, each having a
concave braCtea at its bafe, and bearing one flower. Calyx
purplifh, fmooth, regularly five-cleft. Corolla rofe-coloured,
regular,hell-fhaped, with a fpreading five-cleft border. Stamina
equal and regular, fhorter than the corolla. Anther® violet.
Style fliort, ftraight. Stigma capitate. Capfule of 5 valves,
whofe inflexed margins divide it into 5 cells containing many
The flowers appear early in July. We believe they are
inodorous. The capfulcs ripen in Auguft.